21/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Advanced Methods for the Analysis and Design of Tensile Structures I
Minisymposium organized by Falko Dieringer, Roland Wüchner and Kai-Uwe Bletzinger
Room: Sala C3
Chair: Michael Roland
CoChair: Roland Wüchner
Design of architectural membranes with isogeometric elements
Benedikt Philipp, Michael Breitenberger, Roland Wüchner and Kai-Uwe Bletzinger

3D continuum models of tensegrity modules with the effect of self-stress
Wojciech Gilewski and Andrzej Kasprzak

A simulation of cat‘s cradle by geometrically nonlinear analysis with sliding nodes
Hiroyuki Obiya, Midori Murayama, Katsushi Ijima, Koji Ishibashi and Muhammad N. Bin Zakaria

3D Membrane theory
Carsten Corte

Intelligent façade deployable multilayer adaptive membrane for sun-shading and insulation control and optimisation
Ana Cocho Bermejo