
Technical Programme

13/7/2022    14:30 - 16:00
MS15 Part I - Innovative Solution of Classic Problems in Bridge Design, Construction and Maintenance with Artificial Intelligence
organized by Airong Chen and Xin Ruan
Room: Room VS217
Chair: Xuejing Wang
CoChair: Necati Catbas

Human-AI Collaboration in Bridge Monitoring and Inspection Using Mixed Reality
M. Zakaria, E. Karaaslan and F. N. Catbas

Evaluation of Factors Affecting Long-term Creep of Concrete Using Machine Learning Regression Models
H. Daou, W. Raphael and F. Geara

Use of a Machine Learning Algorithm to Calibrate the Eurocode 2 Creep Model: Application of Classification and Regression Tree
H. Daou, W. Raphael and R. Faddoul

Damage evaluation of concrete beams using forced vibration testing and machine learning
Y. Fujisaku, H. Naito and K. Inaba

Finite element analysis of piles and information for installation monitoring
O. Adegbulugbe and S. Jung

Construction of crack image dataset using active learning
J.P. Shu, J. Li and Z.F. Jin