12/7/2022 12:30 - 14:00 MS12 - Realization Of Intelligent Bridge With Smart Monitoring System organized by Ayaho Miyamoto, Akito Yabe, Ludovic Fülöp and Timo Tirkkonen |
TuA3 Room: Room VS208 Chair: Ayaho Miyamoto CoChair: Ludovic Fülöp |
Bridge frequency identification using vibration responses from sensors on a passing vehicle
smartBRIDGE Hamburg: a digital twin to optimise infrastructure maintenance
A study on the intelligent bridge with an advanced monitoring system
Feasibility study on the intelligent bridge combined with smart monitoring techniques
Full review of low-cost electronics implemented in Structural Health Monitoring Applications for Bridges
Smart monitoring system for stress-laminated timber bridges
Utilization of dynamic interaction analysis between a bridge and vehicles for the intelligent bridge