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Number of visits: 212489

29/9/2015    11:00 - 13:00
IS-Non-smooth Mechanics and Granular Materials. Honoring the Memory of Jean-Jacques Moreau
Invited Session organized by Farhang Radjai and Joe Goddard
Room: VS213
Chair: Farhang Radjai
CoChair: Joe Goddard

Jean-Jacques Moreau’s contributions to Granular Mechanics
M. Jean*

Coulomb friction from Newtonian restitution - with help from J.-J. Moreau and D.G.B. Edelen
J.D. Goddard*

Rapid, dense grain flows: assessment of current models in regard of experimental data
J. Rajchenbach*

Non Smooth Contact Dynamics, a relevant framework to model divided media
F. Dubois*

Modeling ultrasoft-particle media
S. Nezamabadi*, F. Radjaï, J. Averseng and J-Y. Delenne

Stresses in banks and piles: A contribution of Jean Jacques Moreau
F. Radjaï*

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