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Number of visits: 139567

Sunday, May 14

17:00 - 19:30

Monday, May 15

08:00 - 09:00

09:00 - 09:45
Room: 300
Chair: Michel Visonneau

Yes we can: stochastic simulation-based design via high-fidelity computational hydrodynamics made possible
E.F. Campana

09:50 - 11:10
IS - Numerical modeling of flexible structures in offshore environment I
Invited Session organized by Igor Tsukrov and Andrew Drach
Room: 150
Chair: Andrew Drach

Numerical and physical modelling for a submerged gravity-type net cage
H.J. Tang, R.Y. Yang and Y.Y. Chen

Experimental and numerical analysis of different mooring systems of cylindrical fish net cage
C.W. Lee, J.H. Lee, S.B. Park and G.E. Kebede

Measurements in a full scale fish cage exposed to both currents and waves in an exposed area in the Faroes
H. Abrahamsen

Finite element formulation for static and dynamic nonlinear analysis of highly flexible beams subjected to large rotations and displacements
G.M. Katsaounis

Structure and Composites MoM2
Room: BC
Chair: Julio García-Espinosa

A Scalable and Prismatic Pressure Vessel for Transport and Storage of Natural Gas
P. G. Bergan and D. Chang

Static analysis of a composite wind turbine blade using finite element model
M. Özyıldız and D. Çöker

Application of 2D Wave Spectra Time Series for Pipelaying Vessel Stinger Structural Assessment
A. Del Guzzo, F. Gaggiotti, C.A. Rossetti, F.S. Di Tomaso and R. Bruschi

Numerical Methods in CFD I MoM3
Room: 300
Chair: Rickard Bensow

Comparative analysis of tip vortex flow using RANS and LES
A. Asnaghi, R.E. Bensow and U. Svennberg

Large eddy simulation of flow around an inclined harbor seal vibrissa shaped cylinder
H.J. Kim and H.S. Yoon

A Numerical Study on the Shedding Frequency of Sheet Cavitation
T. Melissaris, N. Bulten and T. Van Terwisga

Study on the Rudder Characteristics of Ultimate Rudder by Numerical Calculation
Y. Tendou, Y. Okada, T. Kajihama, T. Kajino, K. Katayama, M. Okazaki and K. Fukuda

Design and Optimization I MoM4
Room: Atlantic Club
Chair: Hermann G. Matthies

Parametric search and optimisation of Fast Displacement Hull Forms using RANS simulations of full-scale flow
E. Bretscher, S. Norris, A. Mason, G. Macfarlane and J. Denier

Propulsion Performance Optimization of "Neighbour Duct" by CFD
K. Katayama, Y. Okada, Y. Ichinose and R. Fukasawa

Importance of a high-order spatial scheme for the simulation of tidal turbine wakes.
B. Elie, G. Oger and D. Le Touzé

11:10 - 11:30
Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:50
IS - Numerical modeling of flexible structures in offshore environment II
Invited Session organized by Igor Tsukrov and Andrew Drach
Room: 150
Chair: Andrew Drach

Three point flexural test of HDPE pipes commonly used for production of salmon farming cages
Ø. Patursson

Comparison of Two Numerical Models for Hydrodynamic Simulations of an Abalone Aquaculture Structure
A. Drach, D. Fredriksson, T. Kim, J. DeCew and I. Tsukrov

Towards high-fidelity simulations of marine harbour protection systems
I. Tsukrov, A. Drach and J. DeCew

Fluid-structure interaction and optimization of a floating platform for offshore wind turbines
M. König, S. Netzband, M. Abdel-Maksoud and A. Düster

IS - Ship Hydrodynamics. Experiments and Simulations
Invited Session organized by Guilherme Vaz
Room: BC
Chair: Guilherme Vaz

On the numerical convergence properties of the calculation of the flow around the KVLCC2 tanker in unstructured grids
A.L. Rocha, L. Eça and G. Vaz

Ship Resistance Prediction - Verification and Validation Exercise on Unstructured Grids
P. Crepier

RANS-based full-scale power predictions for a general cargo vessel, and comparison with sea-trial results
A.R. Starke, K. Drakopoulos, S.L. Toxopeus and S.R. Turnock

Numerical Study of an Outboard Engine for Fast Planning Hull
R. Broglia and G. Dubbioso

Numerical Methods in CFD II MoA3
Room: 300
Chair: Thierry Coupez

On the Use of the Porous FWHE for Rotating Blades Noise Prediction
F. Porcacchia, C. Testa, S. Zaghi, R. Muscari and M. Gennaretti

Development and Improvement of a Cartesian Solver with Immersed Boundaries for Hydrodynamics
L. Vittoz, G. Oger, Z. Li, D. Le Touzé and M. De Leffe

An investigation on the effects of time integration schemes on weakly compressible SPH method
D. C. Kolukisa, M. Ozbulut and E. Pesman

Stability analysis of a steady free surface flow calculation using the dynamic boundary condition for the surface update
T. Demeester, J. Degroote and J. Vierendeels

Design and Optimization II MoA4
Room: Atlantic Club
Chair: Thomas Rung

Multicomponent design of rotor-stator-nozzle (RSN) propulsor on AZIPODs
N. Marinich, A. Yakovlev, N. Ovchinnikov and T. Veikonheimo

Ship route optimization service using weather-routing algorithm
I. Ortigosa and A. Priegue

An IMU and USBL-aided buoy for underwater localization
B. Allotta, F. Fanelli, J. Gelli, N. Monni, M. Pagliai, N. Palma, A. Ridolfi and M. Bianchi

Long-term Probability Distribution of Fixed Offshore Structural Response using an Improved Version of Finite Memory Nonlinear System Procedure
N.I. Mohd Zaki, M.K. Abu Husain and G. Najafian

12:50 - 14:00
Lunch Break

14:00 - 14:45
Room: 300
Chair: Matteo Diez

A Robust Computational Framework for Multi-Material Underwater Problems
C. Farhat

14:50 - 16:10
IS - Features of Unsteady Propeller Flows I
Invited Session organized by Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud
Room: 150
Chair: Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud

Flow Study on a Ducted Azimuth Thruster
P. Schiller, K. Wang and M. Abdel-Maksoud

Numerical assessment of propeller-hull interaction and propeller hub effects for a twin screw vessel
H. Streckwall, Y. Xing-Kaeding, T. Lücke, T. Bugalski, T. Goedicke and A. Talay

Effects of blade geometry on cavitation and pressure fluctuations of tunnel thrusters
C. Yu, X.Q. Dong, W. Li and C.J. Yang

IS - New CFD methods for marine hydrodynamics I
Invited Session organized by David Le Touzé
Room: BC
Chair: David Le Touzé

Application of grid free vortex methods for resolution of tip vortices in marine engineering
N. Kornev, M. Dhone and H. Kröger

Advances in the Particle-Discrete-Finite Element Method for Marine and Naval Engineering Problems
E. Oñate, M.A. Celigueta, J.M. Carbonell, A. Franci, G. Casas and S.R. Idelsohn

Efficiency and accuracy of DualSPHysics code applied to structural design in coastal engineering: a case study from the Belgian coast
C. Altomare, J.M. Domínguez, J. González-Cao, A.J.C. Crespo, M. Gómez-Gesteira, T. Suzuki and P. Peeters

An overset grid approach for Lattice Boltzmann Models
C.F. Janßen, H. Asmuth and T. Rung

IS - Deterministic and stochastic simulation-based design analysis and optimization in marine engineering I
Invited Session organized by Charles Hirsch and Matteo Diez
Room: 300
Chair: Matteo Diez

Wave resistance minimisation in practical ship design
H. Raven and T. Scholcz

Hull-form optimization of a 66,000 DWT bulk carrier in irregular wave condition
J-W. Yu, J-W. Nam, I. Lee and J-E. Choi

Hull-Form Optimization of a Luxury Yacht under Deterministic and Stochastic Operating Conditions via Global Derivative-Free Algorithms
C. Leotardi

Are Random Coefficients Needed in Particle Swarm Optimization for Simulation-Based Ship Design?
A. Serani and M. Diez

Design and Optimization III MoE4
Room: Atlantic Club
Chair: Pål G. Bergan

Fire Performances of a Marine Bulkhead: Numerical Evaluation
V. Drean, G. Cueff and G. Auguin

Numerical Prediction of the Impact Behaviour of Composite Ducted Tidal Turbine
M. Ait Mohammed, M. Tarfaoui and J-M. Laurens

Operation of thrusters in arctic waters – Arctic Thruster Ecosystem
B. Schlecht, F. Mieth, M. Kostial, T. Rosenlöcher and S. Schumann

Design of a Tension Leg Platform for an Offshore Wind Turbine in the South Baltic Area. Computational Analysis of the Dynamic Stability
P. Dymarski and E. Ciba

16:10 - 16:30
Coffee Break

16:30 - 17:50
IS - Flow Problems and Control, Optimisation, and Uncertainty I
Invited Session organized by Hermann G. Matthies
Room: 150
Chair: Hermann G. Matthies

Fundamentals of Parametrised Optimisation, Control, and Uncertainty Quantification
H.G. Matthies and R. Ohayon

Parametrical Analysis of Mooring System of Cell-Spar Platform for Offshore Wind Turbine
E. Ciba, P. Dymarski and J. Zywicki

Multi-objective surrogate based hull-form optimization using high-fidelity RANS computations
T.P. Scholcz and C.H.J. Veldhuis

Simulation-Based Shape Optimisation of an Offshore Supply Vessel
J. Springer, J. Kröger, M. Brenner, L.-U. Schrader and T. Rung

IS - New CFD methods for marine hydrodynamics II
Invited Session organized by David Le Touzé
Room: BC
Chair: David Le Touzé

GPU-Accelerated LBM-VOF Two-Phase Flow Simulations with Grid Refinement.
M. Gehrke, D. Mierke, C.F. Janßen and T. Rung

Development of a new Particle Vortex Method for marine applications
E. Rossi, A. Colagrossi and D. Le Touzé

Two-dimensional water entry simulation by a GPU accelerated free surface lattice Boltzmann model
X. Li, D. Le Touzé and C. Hu

A new Volume-of-Fluid method in OpenFOAM
J. Roenby, B.E. Larsen, H. Bredmose and H. Jasak

Marine Renewable Energy MoN3
Room: 300
Chair: Jean-Marc Rousset

The effects of turbulence intensity on the downstream performance of horizontal axis tidal stream turbines
I Masters, M Edmunds, A. J. Williams, P. Pyakurel and J. H. VanZwieten

Hydrodynamic analysis of a Semisubmersible Floating Wind Turbine. Numerical validation of a second order coupled analysis
J.E. Gutiérrez-Romero, B. Serván-Camas and J. García-Espinosa

Numerical simulation of an array of heaving floating point absorber Wave Energy Converters using OpenFOAM
B. Devolder, P. Rauwoens and P. Troch

An Experimental Study of the Hydrodynamic Behavior of a TLP platform for a 5MW Wind Turbine and OWC Devices
G.M. Katsaounis, S. Polyzos and S.A. Mavrakos

Design and Optimization IV MoN4
Room: Atlantic Club
Chair: Lars Larsson

Sinkage, trim, drag of a common freely floating monohull ship
C. Ma, Y. Zhu, H. Wu, W. Li, H. Fu and F. Noblesse

Rational design of fast boat hull
N. Drimer, O. Neuberg, Y. Moshkovich and R. Hakmon

Trim optimisation in waves
A. Drouet, P. Sergent, D. Causeur and Ph. Corrignan

Steps towards a self calibrating, low reflection wave maker using NARX neural networks
P. Schmitt

Tuesday, May 16

08:30 - 09:15
Room: 300
Chair: Eugenio Oñate

Fast Algorithms for the Dynamic Stability Analysis introduced by Sloshing Effects in Different Ship Operations
S.R. Idelsohn

09:20 - 11:00
IS- Flow Problems and Control, Optimisation, and Uncertainty II
Invited Session organized by Hermann G. Matthies
Room: 150
Chair: Hermann G. Matthies

Adjoint-based optimization methods for flows problems
T. Grahs and J. Turnow

WEC parameters optimization by Genetic Algorithm method
A. Jabrali, R. Khatyr and J. Khalid Naciri

Time domain simulation of coupled sloshing-seakeeping problems by coupling PFEM-2 and SeaFEM
J. Colom Cobb, B. Serván-Camas, P.A. Becker and J. García-Espinosa

Vulnerability and risk assessment of ship structures via a Bayesian network model
H.-J. Kim, R. Hamann, J. Peschmann and D. Straub

IS - Sailing and Yacht Engineering I
Invited Session organized by Lars Larsson
Room: BC
Chair: Lars Larsson

Simulation-driven design of sailing yachts and motor boats
B. Hasubek and S. Harries

Dynamic sailing – pumping and rocking when sailing downwind.
M. Brummer

Sails Aerodynamics and Evolutions – A Brief Review
V.G. Chapin

Computational techniques used for velocity prediction of wing-sailed hydrofoiling catamarans
R. G. J. Flay and N. Hagemeister

Bayesian strategies for simulation based optimisation and response surface creation using a single tool. Application to hydrofoil optimisation.
P. Ploé, R. Lanos, M. Visonneau and J. Wackers

Ship Hydrodynamics I TuM3
Room: 300
Chair: Nikolai Kornev

A numerical study of added resistance, speed loss and added power of a surface ship in regular head waves using coupled URANS and rigid-body motion
S. Aram and S.E. Kim

Influence of the draft to ship dynamics in the virtual tank based on OpenFOAM
P. Du, A. Ouahsine and P. Sergent

Comparison between an analytical approach and a CFD model applied to wave impacts on a parabola
A. Morvan, Y.-M. Scolan and N. Jacques

A Model test and 1-D motion analysis of the constrained underwater dynamics of an axisymmetric body with natural supercavitation
S. Kim and Y. Jung

The effect of Composite structure flexibility on slamming impact loads: experimental study
O. H. Hassoon, M. Tarfaoui and A. El Malki Alaoui

Marine Renewable Energy and Experiments + Fluid-Structure Interaction TuM4
Room: Atlantic Club
Chair: Emilio F. Campana

Assessment of the parametric roll behaviour of a point absorber wave energy conversion device in irregular waves
C. Meskell and K. Tarrant

A 3D RANS-VOF wave tank for oscillating water column device studies
P.R.F. Teixeira, E. Didier and G.N. Neves

Hybridization of Finite Element-Boundary Element Methods using an adaptive absorbing boundary condition for vibro-acoustic underwater noise simulations
N. Zerbib, K. Bouayed, J. Lefevbre, L. Mebarek and M. Anciant

Immersed Boundary Method and Asymptotic Numerical Method for steady simulation of incompressible viscous flow around moving obstacle
A Monnier, J.M. Cadou and G Girault

Monolithic coupling of rigid body motion and the pressure field in foam-extend
I. Gatin, V. Vukčević and H. Jasak

11:00 - 11:20
Coffee Break

11:20 - 13:00
IS - Deterministic and stochastic simulation-based design analysis and optimization in marine engineering II
Invited Session organized by Charles Hirsch and Matteo Diez
Room: 150
Chair: Matteo Diez

Multi-objective hull-form optimization of a SWATH configuration via design-space dimensionality reduction, multi-fidelity metamodels, and swarm intelligence
R. Pellegrini, A. Serani, S. Harries and M. Diez

Multi-Index Stochastic Collocation (MISC) for Elliptic PDEs
A. Haji-Ali, F. Nobile, R. Tempone and L. Tamellini

A Multilevel Monte Carlo Algorithm for Robust Multi Objective Shape Optimization
M. Pisaroni, F. Nobile and P. Leyland

Methodologies for the Stochastic Design Optimization of Ships
G.J. Grigoropoulos, E.F. Campana, M. Diez, C. Hirsch and F. Stern

Numerical Methods in CFD III TuA2
Room: BC
Chair: Luís Eça

Wall interference of multiple bodies when using an overset grid approach.
S. Völkner and T. Rung

Large Scale CFD Modeling of Wave Propagation into Mehamn Harbor
W. Wang, H. Bihs, A. Kamath and Ø. A. Arntsen

Simulation of floating bodies using a combined immersed boundary with the level set method in REEF3D
H. Bihs, A. Kamath, J. Zheng Lu and Ø. A. Arntsen

Non-linear free surface effects on bluff body vortex dynamics and control
S. Kocabiyik, C. Bozkaya and E. Liverman

Numerical study of wave transformation using the free surface reconstruction method
A. Aggarwal, M. Alagan Chella, H. Bihs, C. Pákzodi and Ø. A. Arntsen

Ship Hydrodynamics II TuA3
Room: 300
Chair: Serge Toxopeus

Investigation of the confinement effect on hydrodynamic derivatives of a 135m inland containership
I. Razgallah, S. Kaidi and H. Smaoui

Numerical assessment of interference resistance for a series 60 catamaran.
A. Farkas, N. Degiuli and I. Martić

Numerical Study on an Estimation of Ship Performance
S. Han, H. Kim and S.H. Son

Influence of the Free Surface as well as Dynamic Sinkage and Trim in Virtual Captive Model Tests for Manoeuvring.
L. Koopmann and A. Cura Hochbaum

Ship scale self propulsion CFD simulation results compared to sea trial measurements
V. Vukčević, H. Jasak, I. Gatin and T. Uroic

Fluid-Structure Interaction I TuA4
Room: Atlantic Club
Chair: Antoine Ducoin

Development of the SWENSE method in a weakly-compressible Cartesian grid approach
M. Gouin, G. Oger and D. Le Touzé

Numerical prediction for many floating debris transported in city model due to Tsunami-induced flows
S. Ushijima, D. Toriu, K. Aoki, H. Itada and D. Yagyu

Vibroacoustic analysis in the medium and low frequency
J.-M. Sanchez, S. Couëdo, R. Helfrich and J. Marchesini

Modelling of hydrodynamic loads on aquaculture net cages by a modified Morison model
P. T. Bore, J. Amdahl and D. Kristiansen

Simulation of fish escape and swimming toward a predefined goal
S. A. Ghaffari, S. Viazzo, K. Schneider and P. Bontoux

13:00 - 14:15
Lunch Break

14:15 - 15:45
Room: 300
Chair: Emilio F. Campana
Co-Chair: Thomas Rung

Free Running CFD Course Keeping and Maneuvering in Calm Water and Waves including CFD-Based System Identification
F. Stern

Mission-based ship design in ice - simulation approaches for ice resistance and ice loads
S. Ehlers

15:45 - 16:05
Coffee Break

16:05 - 17:45
IS - Deterministic and stochastic simulation-based design analysis and optimization in marine engineering III
Invited Session organized by Charles Hirsch and Matteo Diez
Room: 150
Chair: Matteo Diez

Mission-based hull form and propeller optimization of a transom stern destroyer for best performance in the sea environment
G.J. Grigoropoulos, E.F. Campana, M. Diez, A. Serani, O. Goren, K. Sarioz, D.B. Danisman, M. Visonneau, P. Queutey, M. Abdel-Maksoud and F. Stern

Robust design optimization of a marine propeller
B. Mallol, K. Vidal, D. Wunsch and C. Hirsch

Optimized DBD plasma actuator system for the suppression of flow separation over NACA0012 profile
L. Pasquale, D. Durante, M. Diez and R. Broglia

Towards the High-Fidelity Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of a 3D Composite Material Hydrofoil
S. Volpi, M. Diez and F. Stern

IS - Ship in Ice
Invited Session organized by Thomas Rung, Sören Ehlers and Thomas Rung
Room: BC
Chair: Thomas Rung
Co-Chair: Sören Ehlers

Sliding Loads and their Effect on the Stress Triaxiality and Lode Parameter Responses of Plates and Frames
B.W.T. Quinton

Viscous Flow Ship-Ice Interaction using Pressure-Area Curves and Failure Criteria
M. Huisman, C.F. Janßen, T. Rung and S. Ehlers

Ship-ice Interaction Analysis Combining DEM and FEM Procedures
E. Oñate, M.A. Celigueta, S. Latorre, B. Serván-Camas and J. García-Espinosa

Validation of a GPU-accelerated fully viscous numerical ice tank
D. Mierke, M. Gehrke, C.F. Janßen and T. Rung

Ship Hydrodynamics III TuN3
Room: 300
Chair: Christer Fureby

Numerical studies on air drag reduction methods for a large container ship with fully loaded deck-containers in oblique winds
T. V. Nguyen, N. Shimizu, A. Kinugawa, Y. Tai and Y. Ikeda

Improvement of the Sauer Cavitation Model Based on the Simplified Rayleigh-Plesset Equation
P. Perali, C. Ramirez, A. Leroyer, E. Guilmineau and P. Queutey

Development of Numerical Method to Simulate Flows around a Ship in Regular Waves including the Effect of Ship Propulsion Plant Model
K. Ohashi

Estimation Of Added Wave Resistance With CFD Code
R. Huret, D. Causeur, A. S. Dubois, A. Drouet and O. Thilleul

Simulation of slamming impact loads with a coupled SPH-Spectral method
Y. Jus, P.M. Guilcher, P. Bigay and N. Couty

Fluid-Structure Interaction II TuN4
Room: Atlantic Club
Chair: Trond Kvamsdal

Accelerated free-surface flow simulations with interactively moving bodies
A.E.P. Veldman, H. Seubers, P. van der Plas and J. Helder

Application of a 6DOF algorithm for the investigation of impulse waves generated due to sub-aerial landslides
A. Kamath, H. Bihs and Ø. A. Arntsen

Fluid Added Mass for Flexural Vibration of Ship Structures
S. Sepehrirahnama, E.T. Ong, H.P. Lee and K.M. Lim

Numerical investigation of strong added mass effect for fluid-structure calculations applied to moving hydrofoils
E. Lefrançois

Simulation of breaking focused waves over a slope with a CFD based numerical wave tank
M. Alagan Chella, H. Bihs, C. Pkozdi, D. Myrhaug and Ø. A. Arntsen

Wednesday, May 17

09:50 - 10:50
IS - Features of Unsteady Propeller Flows II
Invited Session organized by Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud
Room: 150
Chair: Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud

Numerical modelling of marine cycloidal propellers for dp applications
M. Altosole, S. Donnarumma, V. Spagnolo and S. Vignolo

Body Force RANS-RANS Coupling for Propeller Simulations.
T. Mühlbach, R. Berg and T. Rung

IS - Numerical and experimental developments for maritime transport safety
Invited Session organized by Jean-Marc Rousset
Room: BC
Chair: Jean-Marc Rousset

Computational modelling of dynamic behaviour of granular cargo.
W. R. Düsterhöft-Wriggers and T. Rung

Viscous fluids and associated internal global loads inside bulk carrier tanks
V. Baudry and JM. Rousset

Centrifuge rolling test for ore liquefaction analysis
L. Thorel, Ph. Audrain, A. Neel, A. Bretschneider and M. Blanc

IS - Transient and Unsteady Effects in Ship Hydrodynamic I
Invited Session organized by Rickard Bensow and Mattias Liefvendahl
Room: 300
Chair: Rickard Bensow
Co-Chair: Mattias Liefvendahl

Analysis of the Transient Flow around the Japan Bulk Carrier using a PANS Simulation approach
R.E. Bensow

Seakeeping Prediction of the ONRT Tumblehome in Head Waves with Unsteady RANS
P. Queutey, G.B. Deng, M. Visonneau, E. Guilmineau, J. Wackers and A. Leroyer

On the prediction of Shear-layer flows with RANS and SRS Models
G. Vaz, F.S. Pereira and L. Eça

Offshore WeM4
Room: Atlantic Club
Chair: Francis Noblesse

Hydrodynamic analysis of fishing farms
J.E. Gutiérrez-Romero, B. Zamora-Parra, J. García-Espinosa and J.A. Esteve-Pérez

Modelling of rotating vertical axis turbines using a multiphase finite element method
V. D. Nguyen, J. Jansson, M. Leoni, A. Goude, B. Janssen and J. Hoffman

A global approximation to the Green function for diffraction-radiation of regular water waves in deep water
H. Wu, Y. Zhu, C. Ma, W. Li, H. Fu and F. Noblesse

10:50 - 11:10
Coffee Break

11:10 - 12:30
IS - Sailing and Yacht Engineering II
Invited Session organized by Lars Larsson
Room: BC
Chair: Lars Larsson

A New Adjustment-Free Damping Method for Free-Surface Waves in Numerical Simulations
J. Meyer, K. Graf and T. Slawig

Verification and Validation of CFD computations on an oscillating, surface piercing rudder from the Finn Olympic dinghy
A. Persson, R. Lindstrand and C. Finnsgård

CFD based Performance Prediction in Six Degrees of Freedom for Exploring Sailing Physics
R. Lindstrand and L. Larsson

IS - Transient and Unsteady Effects in Ship Hydrodynamic II
Invited Session organized by Rickard Bensow and Mattias Liefvendahl
Room: 300
Chair: Rickard Bensow
Co-Chair: Mattias Liefvendahl

Study of unsteady hydrodynamic effects in ship stern area in shallow water
I. Shevchuk and N. Kornev

Grid generation for wall-modelled LES of ship hydrodynamics in model scale
M. Liefvendahl, M. Johansson and M. Quas

A generalised unsteady hybrid DES/BEM methodology applied to propeller-rudder flow simulation
D. Calcagni, F. Salvatore, G. Dubbioso and R. Muscari

Generation of divergence free velocity fields with prescribed integral lengths and arbitrary anisotropy for LES inlet conditions
H. Kröger, N. Kornev and P. Anschau

IS - Erosion and Cavitation
Invited Session organized by Bettar el Moctar
Room: Atlantic Club
Chair: Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud

Improved modelling of sheet cavitation dynamics on Delft Twist 11 hydrofoil
T. Lloyd, G. Vaz and A. Gnanasundaram

Numerical study of cavitation on a NACA0015 hydrofoil: solution verification
C. Negrato, T. Lloyd, T. Van Terwisga, G. Vaz and R.E. Bensow

Compressible Implicit Large-Eddy Simulation of the Cavitating Model Propeller VP1304
B. Budich, S. J. Schmidt and N. A. Adams

Numerical Assessment of Cavitation Erosion Risk
T. Rung and S. Yakubov

Numerical Methods in CFD IV WeA4
Room: 150
Chair: Trond Kvamsdal

On the design of block preconditioners for maritime engineering
C.M. Klaij, X. He and C. Vuik

On the use of Euler and Crank-Nicolson time-stepping schemes for seakeeping simulations in OpenFOAM
S. Seng, C. Monroy and S. Malenica

Investigation of Irregular and and Breaking Waves by means of CFD using Adaptive Grid Refinement
P. van der Plas and A.E.P. Veldman

Discrete element method simulation of a Split Hopper Dredger discharging process
J. Basic, D. Ban, N. Degiuli and N. Govender

12:30 - 13:40
Lunch Break

13:40 - 14:25
Room: 300
Chair: Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud

High fidelity numerical simulations of ship and sub-marine hydrodynamics
C. Fureby

14:30 - 16:10
Numerical Methods in CFD V WeE1
Room: 150
Chair: Patrick Queutey

Numerical Simulation of Semi-submersible Body with Strut and Gas Injection
C-M. Jung, G-R. Ku, V-T. Nguyen and W-G. Park

Anisotropic mesh adaptation and stabilised FEM for hydrodynamic ship resistance simulation
T. Coupez, P. Bigay, H. Digonnet and I. Silva

A volume-preserving inflow boundary based numerical tank applied to wave-structure interaction in near-shallow water
S. Saincher and J. Banerjee

Design and Optimization V WeE2
Room: BC
Chair: Arthur Veldman

Isogeometric methods for acoustic scattering of submarines
T. Kvamsdal, J.V. Venås and T. Jenserud

Geometric model for automated multi-objective optimization of foils
E. Berrini, B. Mourrain, R. Duvigneau, M. Sacher and Y. Roux

The Effect of Wave In-Deck in Conventional Pushover Analysis
N.U. Azman, M.K. Abu Husain, N.I. Mohd Zaki, E. Mat Soom and G. Najafian

Metamodel-based shape optimisation of hydrodynamic performances of a planing hull
L. Kerha and B. Bounab

Comparison of wave generation and absorption models for marine hydrodynamic applications
Z. Li, V. Vukčević, G. Ducrozet, L. Gentaz and P. Ferrant

Ship Hydrodynamics IV WeE4
Room: 300
Chair: Jeroen Wackers

Numerical simulation of large commercial ship navigation on Paraná River, Argentina
G. Franck, S. Mangini, P. Hugo, H. José and P. Yasser

Experimental and numerical assessment of the performance of a new type passive anti-roll stabilisation system
J. Ercolanelli, G. Fourestier, T. Santagostini, Y.-M. Scolan, M. Le Boulluec, A. Babarit, C. Le Gall and P. Magaldi

Towards CFD guidelines for planing hull simulations based on the Naples systematic series
S. Mancini, F. De Luca and A. Ramolini

Simulation of the Delft 372 catamaran in waves using SWENSE-Single Level Set coupling
G. Reliquet, P. Ferrant and L. Gentaz

System-based maneuvering simulation of a ship navigating in the confined waterway
A. Ouahsine, P. Du and P. Sergent

Fluid-Structure Interaction III WeE4
Room: Atlantic Club
Chair: Len Imas

Geometric disturbance on flow over a wavy cylinder
H.I. Shin and H.S. Yoon

Development of a fluid structure coupling for composite tidal turbines and marine propellers
P. Muller and F. Pécot

Numerical Simulations of Spar Vortex-Induced Motions with Different Helical Strake Configurations
M.A.A. Rahman, K. A. Nordin, W. N. W Hussin and M. H Mohd

An innovative tool to study and optimize racing yacht appendages using fluid structure interactions
R. Balze, H. Devaux, D. Gléhen, N. Bigi, K. Roncin, J.B. Leroux and A. Nême

16:10 - 16:30