Social Events
The social events of MARINE 2017 coincide with the Welcome Reception and the Conference Banquet.
Welcome Reception
The Welcome Reception will take place in the evening of Sunday, May 14, at 18:00, during the pre registration, at the conference venue, La Cité Nantes Events Center
Conference Banquet
The Conference Banquet will be held in the evening of Tuesday, May 16, 20.00 at the prestigious Château de la Pigossière, located near the city center of Nantes, at the heart of a wonderful wooded area of nine hectares bordered by a river.
A bus service to the Château will be organised, with departure at 19:00 outside the conference venue. After the Banquet the bus will return to La Cité events center.
Accompanying persons interested can join these events by paying a fee of 125€ for both social events and 105€ for the Conference banquet. Please contact the secretariat to purchase your ticket.
