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Number of visits: 6289522

Exhibition and Sponsorship

Casiṇ Palace and Cinema Palace Exhibitor Floor Plan & Forms

Panoramic view of part of the Casiṇ Palace Exhibitor area, located in the Casiṇ Foyer at the first floor.
Cinema Palace
Panoramic view of part of the Cinema Palace Exhibitor area, located in the Cinema Palace Foyer at the ground floor.

The WCCM-ECCOMAS Exhibitors will occupy the Casino’ Palace and Cinema Palace Foyers. These areas will also serve as a focal point for many daily activities including AM/PM coffee breaks, Registration Desk, Internet Cafe, and through traffic to the technical sessions in the adjacent lecture rooms.

Exhibitor Information & Regulations (Venice Convention - PDF File)
Please review the detailed and informative regulations for all exhibitors at the Venice Convention Conference Centre.

Catalogue and price list for booth set up as offered by Venice Convention (Venice Convention - PDF File)
Exhibitors are responsible for all shipping arrangements to/from the venue in Lido di Venezia. Exhibit set-up will be on Sunday 29 June and teardown on Friday-Saturday 4-5 July.

Venice Convention Order Form (Venice Convention - MS Word Document)
Exhibitors are requested to fill in an order form to specify their needs as for the booth set up and furnishing

For further information, please contact:

Daniela Trozzola

Venice Convention by Lido di Venezia-Eventi&Congressi Spa
Lungomare Marconi,30
30126 Venezia

e-mail: trozzola@veniceconvention.com
tel.: +39 041 2720001
fax: +39 041 5262233


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
iacm-eccomas08@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 -- Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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