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Number of visits: 260689

17:00 - 19:00
19:00 - 20:30
Welcome Reception
08:30 - 11:15
11:15 - 11:30
Room: Delphi
Chair: to be confirmed
11:30 - 13:00
Plenary Lectures I
Room: Delphi
Chair: Eugenio Oñate
Alfio Quarteroni
Antonio Huerta
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch Break
14:00 - 16:00
IS - Particle-Based Methods in Coupled Problems I
Invited Session organized by Sergio Idelsohn and Eugenio Oñate
Room: Delphi
Chair: Sergio Idelsohn
IS - Computational Models and Methods for Multiphysics Processes in Multiphase Porous Media I
Invited Session organized by Claudio Tamagnini and Lorenzo Sanavia
Room: Salon Des Roses A
Chair: Claudio Tamagnini
IS - Advances in Heterogeneous Numerical Methods I
Invited Session organized by Pavel B. Bochev, John N. Shadid and Kara Peterson
Room: Salon Des Roses B
Chair: Marta D‘Elia
IS - Model Order Reduction for Coupled Problems I
Invited Session organized by Francisco Chinesta and Elías Cueto
Room: Athena
Chair: Elías Cueto
IS - Advanced Arbitrary Langrangian-Eulerian Methods for Multiphysics Systems (14:00 - 15:20)
Invited Session organized by Michael Gee, Guglielmo Scovazzi, John N. Shadid and Matthias Mayr
Room: Nafsika A
Chair: Michael Gee
IS - Computational Nanomedicine I (15:20 - 16:00)
Invited Session organized by Paolo Decuzzi
Room: Nafsika A
Chair: Paolo Decuzzi
IS - Multi-phase Flows and Droplet Dynamics: Models and Industrial Applications
Invited Session organized by Pavel Ryzhakov
Room: Nafsika B
Chair: Pavel Ryzhakov
IS - Coupling of Different Numerical Methods and to CAD
Invited Session organized by Gernot Beer
Room: Nefeli A
Chair: Gernot Beer
IS - Multi-physics Modeling and Multi-Scale Simulation of Aging and Deteriorating Materials I
Invited Session organized by Manfred Krafczyk, Laura De Lorenzis, Dieter Dinkler and Peter Wriggers
Room: Nefeli B
Chair: Manfred Krafczyk
Numerical Methods in Coupled Problems: Finite Difference, Particle Methods, Meshless Methods, etc. I MoA09
Room: Alpha
Chair: to be confirmed
Coupled Problems in Fluid Structure Interaction I MoA10
Room: Gamma
Chair: to be confirmed
Multiphysics Problems I MoA11
Room: Epsilon
Chair: to be confirmed
16:00 - 16:30
Coffee Break
16:30 - 18:30
IS - Particle-Based Methods in Coupled Problems II
Invited Session organized by Sergio Idelsohn and Eugenio Oñate
Room: Delphi
Chair: Eugenio Oñate
IS - Computational Models and Methods for Multiphysics Processes in Multiphase Porous Media II
Invited Session organized by Claudio Tamagnini and Lorenzo Sanavia
Room: Salon Des Roses A
Chair: Claudio Tamagnini
IS - Advances in Heterogeneous Numerical Methods II
Invited Session organized by Pavel B. Bochev, John N. Shadid and Kara Peterson
Room: Salon Des Roses B
Chair: Kara Peterson
IS - Model Order Reduction for Coupled Problems II
Invited Session organized by Francisco Chinesta and Elías Cueto
Room: Athena
Chair: Francisco Chinesta
IS - Computational Nanomedicine II
Invited Session organized by Paolo Decuzzi
Room: Nafsika A
Chair: Paolo Decuzzi
IS - Coupled Problems in Liquid-Solid Systems
Invited Session organized by Bozidar Šarler
Room: Nafsika B
Chair: Bozidar Šarler
Co-Chair: Dominique Gobin
High Performance Computing MoE07
Room: Nefeli A
Chair: to be confirmed
IS - Multi-physics Modeling and Multi-Scale Simulation of Aging and Deteriorating Materials II (16:30 - 17:30)
Invited Session organized by Manfred Krafczyk, Laura De Lorenzis, Dieter Dinkler and Peter Wriggers
Room: Nefeli B
Chair: Laura De Lorenzis
Multiscale Problems I (17:30 - 18:30) MoE08
Room: Nefeli B
Chair: to be confirmed
Numerical Methods in Coupled Problems: Finite Difference, Particle Methods, Meshless Methods, etc. II MoE09
Room: Alpha
Chair: to be confirmed
Coupled Problems in Fluid Structure Interaction II MoE10
Room: Gamma
Chair: to be confirmed
Multiphysics Problems II MoE11
Room: Epsilon
Chair: to be confirmed
08:30 - 10:30
IS - Particle-Based Methods in Coupled Problems III
Invited Session organized by Sergio Idelsohn and Eugenio Oñate
Room: Delphi
Chair: Massimiliano Cremonesi
IS - Iterative Methods for Coupled Field Problems I
Invited Session organized by Haim Waisman, Suvranu De and John N. Shadid
Room: Salon Des Roses B
Chair: Haim Waisman
IS - Coupled Phase-Field Approaches I
Invited Session organized by Bernd Markert
Room: Athena
Chair: Bernd Markert
IS - Coupled Problems in the Biomechanics of Bones and Arteries I
Invited Session organized by Zohar Yosibash
Room: Nafsika A
Chair: Ernst Rank
Co-Chair: Aleš Kurfürst
IS - Model Reduction for Coupled Problems in Material Science
Invited Session organized by David Ryckelynck and Felix Fritzen
Room: Nefeli A
Chair: to be confirmed
IS - Direct and Inverse Methods for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Biomechanics I
Invited Session organized by Marek Behr, Wolfgang Wall and C. Alberto Figueroa
Room: Nefeli B
Chair: Marek Behr
Numerical Methods in Coupled Problems: Finite Difference, Particle Methods, Meshless Methods, etc. III TuM09
Room: Alpha
Chair: to be confirmed
Coupled Problems in Fluid Structure Interaction III TuM10
Room: Gamma
Chair: to be confirmed
Design Topology, Optimization and Control I TuM11
Room: Epsilon
Chair: to be confirmed
Coupled Problems in Thermo-Mechanics I TuM12
Room: Suite 211
Chair: to be confirmed
Multiscale Problems II TuM13
Room: Suite 213
Chair: to be confirmed
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30
Plenary Lectures II
Room: Delphi
Chair: Antonio Huerta
Wolfgang Wall
Ferdinando Auricchio
12:30 - 13:30
Lunch Break
13:30 - 14:45
Plenary Lectures III
Room: Delphi
Chair: Alfio Quarteroni
Antonia Larese
Bernd Markert
Thierry Coupez
14:45 - 15:15
Coffee Break
15:15 - 17:15
IS - Advanced Models and Methods in CFD I
Invited Session organized by Simona Perotto, Annalisa Quaini and Gianluigi Rozza
Room: Delphi
Chair: Annalisa Quaini
IS - Optimization in Coupled Problems I
Invited Session organized by Ole Sigmund and Kurt Maute
Room: Salon Des Roses A
Chair: to be confirmed
IS - Iterative Methods for Coupled Field Problems II
Invited Session organized by Haim Waisman, Suvranu De and John N. Shadid
Room: Salon Des Roses B
Chair: John N. Shadid
IS - Coupled Phase-Field Approaches II (15:15 - 15:55)
Invited Session organized by Bernd Markert
Room: Athena
Chair: Yousef Heider
IS - Coupled Problems in Advanced Energy Research (15:55 - 17:15)
Invited Session organized by Massimo Guarnieri and Federico Moro
Room: Athena
Chair: Federico Moro
IS - Coupled Problems of the Dynamics of the Solid Systems with Friction
Invited Session organized by A.V. Karapetyan and Alexey Kireenkov
Room: Nafsika A
Chair: Alexey Kireenkov
IS - Coupled Problems with Numerical and Physical Subdomain Interactions
Invited Session organized by Oreste Bursi and Nicola Tondini
Room: Nafsika B
Chair: Giuseppe Abbiati
Co-Chair: Oreste Bursi
IS - Innovative Mathematical Modelers and Optimizers for Solving Single /Multi Disciplinary Problems in Applied Sciences
Invited Session organized by Jacques Periaux
Room: Nefeli A
Chair: Jacques Periaux
IS - Direct and Inverse Methods for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Biomechanics II (15:15 - 16:15)
Invited Session organized by Marek Behr, Wolfgang Wall and C. Alberto Figueroa
Room: Nefeli B
Chair: C. Alberto Figueroa
Coupled Problems in Bio-Medicine I (16:15 - 17:15) TuE08
Room: Nefeli B
Chair: to be confirmed
Numerical Methods in Coupled Problems: Finite Difference, Particle Methods, Meshless Methods, etc. IV TuE09
Room: Alpha
Chair: to be confirmed
Coupled Problems in Fluid Structure Interaction IV TuE10
Room: Gamma
Chair: to be confirmed
Multiphysics Problems III TuE11
Room: Epsilon
Chair: to be confirmed
Coupled Problems in Thermo-Mechanics II TuE12
Room: Suite 211
Chair: to be confirmed
Multiscale Problems III TuE13
Room: Suite 213
Chair: to be confirmed
20:30 - 23:30
Conference Banquet
09:00 - 11:00
IS - Advanced Models and Methods in CFD II
Invited Session organized by Simona Perotto, Annalisa Quaini and Gianluigi Rozza
Room: Delphi
Chair: Gianluigi Rozza
IS - Optimization in Coupled Problems II
Invited Session organized by Ole Sigmund and Kurt Maute
Room: Salon Des Roses A
Chair: to be confirmed
IS - Isogeometric Methods for Coupled Problems on Complex Geometries I
Invited Session organized by John A. Evans, Hector Gomez, Jessica Zhang and Hugo Casquero
Room: Salon Des Roses B
Chair: to be confirmed
IS - High Performance Computing Software for Coupled Problems
Invited Session organized by Eric C. Cyr and Roger Pawlowski
Room: Athena
Chair: Eric C. Cyr
IS - Coupled Problems in the Biomechanics of Bones and Arteries II
Invited Session organized by Zohar Yosibash
Room: Nafsika A
Chair: Nir Trabelsi
Co-Chair: Zohar Yosibash
IS - Advanced Modelling of Multi-physics Problems Involving Electric and Magnetic Effects
Invited Session organized by Antonio J. Gil
Room: Nafsika B
Chair: Antonio J. Gil
Coupled Problems in Bio-Medicine II WeM07
Room: Nefeli A
Chair: to be confirmed
IS - Control, Uncertainty Quantification, and ROMs in Coupled Problems
Invited Session organized by Hermann G. Matthies, Carlos Felippa, K. C. Park and Roger Ohayon
Room: Nefeli B
Chair: Hermann G. Matthies
Numerical Methods in Coupled Problems: Finite Difference, Particle Methods, Meshless Methods, etc. V WeM09
Room: Alpha
Chair: to be confirmed
Applications of Coupled Problems I WeM10
Room: Gamma
Chair: to be confirmed
Multiphysics Problems IV WeM11
Room: Epsilon
Chair: to be confirmed
Coupled Problems in Thermo-Mechanics III WeM12
Room: Suite 211
Chair: to be confirmed
Multiscale Problems IV WeM13
Room: Suite 213
Chair: to be confirmed
11:00 - 11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 - 13:00
Plenary Lectures IV
Room: Delphi
Chair: Bernhard Schrefler
Harald van Brummelen
Miriam Mehl
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch Break
14:00 - 16:00
IS - Advances in Computational Formulations and Solution Methods for Fluid and Kinetic Simulations of Plasma
Invited Session organized by John N. Shadid, Luis Chacon and Eric C. Cyr
Room: Delphi
Chair: John N. Shadid
Design Topology, Optimization and Control II WeA02
Room: Salon Des Roses A
Chair: to be confirmed
IS - Isogeometric Methods for Coupled Problems on Complex Geometries II
Invited Session organized by John A. Evans, Hector Gomez, Jessica Zhang and Hugo Casquero
Room: Salon Des Roses B
Chair: to be confirmed
Mathematical Formulation of Coupled Problems WeA04
Room: Athena
Chair: to be confirmed
Coupled Problems in Geomechanics I WeA05
Room: Nafsika A
Chair: to be confirmed
Coupled Solution Strategies I WeA06
Room: Nafsika B
Chair: to be confirmed
Coupled Problems in Bio-Medicine III WeA07
Room: Nefeli A
Chair: to be confirmed
Coupled Problems in Electro-Magnetics I WeA08
Room: Nefeli B
Chair: to be confirmed
Applications of Coupled Problems II WeA10
Room: Gamma
Chair: to be confirmed
16:00 - 16:30
Coffee Break
16:30 - 18:30
Coupled Problems in Geomechanics II WeE05
Room: Nafsika A
Chair: to be confirmed
Coupled Solution Strategies II WeE06
Room: Nafsika B
Chair: to be confirmed
Coupled Problems in Electro-Magnetics II WeE08
Room: Nefeli B
Chair: to be confirmed
Applications of Coupled Problems III WeE10
Room: Gamma
Chair: to be confirmed

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
coupledproblems@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 94 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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