Influence of mechanical stimuli in growth plate morphological evolution during long bone development
H. Castro-Abril, J.M. Guevara, S.J. Shefelbine and D.A. Garzón-Alvarado
Predicting age-dependent changes in human native heart valves due to growth and remodeling
P.J.A. Oomen, C.C.V.C. Bouten, E. Kuhl and S. Loerakker
Coupled nanostructures of ribonucleic acids: developing discrete-continuum models for large time-scale simulations
S. Badu and R. Melnik
Simulations of fluid and rigid bodies interaction for biomechanics problems
C. Samaniego, G. Houzeaux and M. Vázquez
A phase-field method in full Eulerian framework for fluid-structure interaction in biological systems
X. Zheng and G. Karniadakis
Flow-structure interaction simulations of the aortic heart valve at physiologic conditions: the role of tissue constitutive model
A. Gilmanov, H. Stolarski and F. Sotiropoulos