PFEM-FEM coupling for fluid-structure interaction problems involving free surfaces and large solid deformations
M.L. Cerquaglia, R. Boman, G. Deliége, L. Papeleux and J.-P. Ponthot
Modelling of flow of powders into closed cavities with consideration of air pressure conditions
H.S. Elmsahli, R. Baserinia and C. Sinka
State-constrained optimal control problems with bilinear state equation
M. Lass and A.C.T. Velasco
A coupled discrete-element model of fluid-saturated rock and the results of studying of the impact of a fluid on the shear strength of a rock under combined compression and shear
A.V. Dimaki, E.V. Shilko and S.G. Psakhie
Groundwater flow model in the karst aquifers using the fup finite volume approach
L. Malenica, H. Gotovac, G. Kamber, B. Gotovac and V. Kozulic
On couplings of the compressible and incompressible navier-stokes equations
F. Ghasemi and J. Nordstrom