20 - 22 of May 2014 Trondheim Norway
  Local Organizing Committee
  International Advisory Committee
  Conference Topics
  Technical Program
  Social Programme
  Invited Plenary Lectures
  Submission of Contributions
  Instructions for Authors -
  Full Lenght Papers NEW!
  Important Dates NEW!
  Post-Conference Tour
  Location and Conference Venue NEW!
  Accommodation NEW!

Number of visits: 84851

Full Lenght Papers

Together with the International Advisory Committe for Parallel CFD the organizers of ParCFD 2014 have decided to invite all the presenters at ParCFD 2014 to submit a full length paper to the highly acknowledged journal Computers and Fluids (http://www.journals.elsevier.com/computers-and-fluids/).

All papers will subject to regular peer-review and the acceptance criteria will be according to the Computers and Fluids quality standard.  The deadline for submission of full length papers to Computers and Fluids is tentatively set to 1st of October 2014.

Notice: There will be no submission of extended abstracts to Engineering Procedia.

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