20 - 22 of May 2014 Trondheim Norway
  Local Organizing Committee
  International Advisory Committee
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  Instructions for Authors -
  Full Lenght Papers NEW!
  Important Dates NEW!
  Post-Conference Tour
  Location and Conference Venue NEW!
  Accommodation NEW!

Number of visits: 90873


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a discipline that has always been in the vanguard of the exploitation of emerging and developing technologies. The CFD community in its quest for more accurate simulations and reductions in the time to solution have rapidly absorbed advances in both algorithms and computers. Within this context, parallel computing has played an increasingly important role. Parallel computing has become a common tool for scientific computations on computer system from most high-end ten TeraFLOPS machines to low-end commodity PC clusters. Moreover, the uptake of parallel computing has brought the CFD community into ever-closer contact with hardware vendors and computer scientists. The multidisciplinary subject of parallel CFD and its rapidly evolving nature, in terms of hardware and software, requires a regular international meeting of this nature to keep abreast of the most recent developments.


Parallel CFD is an annual conference series dedicated to the discussion of recent developments and applications of parallel computing in the field of CFD and related disciplines. Since the inaugural conference in 1989, many new developments and technologies have emerged. The intervening years have also proved to be extremely volatile for many hardware vendors and a number of companies appeared and then disappeared.
However, the belief that parallel computing is the only way forward has remained undiminished

Supercomputers or High Performance Computers in recent terminology all utilize parallel architectures and parallel processing. Parallel technology developed for these machines are now applied to broadband of parallel computers. Moreover, the increasing reliability and acceptance of parallel computers has seen many commercial companies now offering parallel versions of their codes for parallel processors. It is clear that industry is moving to parallel systems and it has shown a keen interest in parallel systems recognizing that parallel computing will play an important role in the future.

Over the years, the meeting sessions involved papers on parallel algorithms, developments in software tools and environments, unstructured mesh applications, combustion, industrial applications, climate modeling, atmospheric and oceanic global simulation, interdisciplinary application, and evaluation of computer architectures ranging from high-end to low-end systems. In broad terms the presentations have their main focus either on parallel methodology, CFD-methodology or challenging applications..

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