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Number of visits: 278707

Industrial Workshops

The aim of these workshops is to create a mutually beneficial link between researchers in industry and academics. Research workers with industrial and commercial concerns are invited to share and explore their experiences and advancements. More information will be soon available.

First time right print of a swirler component

Simulation Driven Design - Unleash the potential of Additive Manufacturing

Streamline Metal AM through ANSYS Portfolio

Let’s join forces: industry and academy to build (even) better AM simulation ecosystems
Behind the technology: solutions for industrial-scale manufacturing

Degree of innovation related to Additive Manufacturing key advantages and new part design approach examples. Process development with in-process non-destructive quality controls and analysis for Additive manufacturing parts

Virtual Part Qualification with Thermomechanical Modeling of Additive Manufacturing

Innovative continuous Process for AM Metal Powder Production

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
SIM-AM_Sec@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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