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Number of visits: 278743

Social Events

Social events of Sim-AM are the Welcome cocktail, a Pavia guided tour, and the Conference Banquet.

Pre-registration & Welcome cocktail

Pre-registration is possible on Tuesday, September 10, between 16:00 and 19:00 in Aula Forlanini, at the conference venue.

Guided City Tour

The guided Tour of some of the most important historical sites will take place in the evening of Wednesday, September 11, at 19:15.

The tour will shortly describe the origins of the town of Pavia and will show you Santa Maria in Canepanova and San Michele churches, starting from San Tommaso complex (convent with tower and church) and finishing at Ponte Coperto at sunset.

In order to register to the tour (free of charge) please contact the secretariat before September 1st.

Santa Maria in Canepanova, Indoor

San Michele, the Crypt

Conference Banquet

The Conference Banquet will be held at Collegio Borromeo on Thursday, September 12, starting from 19.30. Before dinner, a brief tour will show you the most beautiful rooms with frescoes and an aperitif will be offered over the balcony. 

Accompanying persons and students interested can join these events by paying a fee of 100€. Please contact the secretariat to purchase your ticket before September 1.

Collegio Borromeo, Sala degli Affreschi

Collegio Borromeo, the Chapel

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
SIM-AM_Sec@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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