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Number of visits: 278623

Registration Fees

Registration fees are expressed in Euro. Early registration is applicable if paid before June 15, 2019.


Early Fees
If paid on or before
June 15, 2019

Late Fees
If paid after June 15, 2019


550 €

650 €

Students & IS organizers

350 €

450 €

AITA Members

495 €

585 €

Conference dinner for Student


Social Program for Accompanying Persons (*)
(Includes welcome cocktail and conference banquet)

100 €

(*)The Accompanying Person Program does not include attendance to the technical sessions

Only online payments will be accepted.

ECCOMAS and IACM members will have a 5% deduction on the delegates fees. To advantage of this reduction, please fill in the downloadable form and send it by email to the conference secretariat

Registration fee include: conference proceedings, attendance at the scientific sessions, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome cocktail and social banquet. Student fee does not include the Conference dinner, that can be purchased at the stated price.

Final acceptance is contingent upon payment of the registration fee by the presenting author during the advance period.

Student registration: Students attending the conference are invited to send by e-mail or by fax (+34 93 205 8347) to the conference secretariat, a letter of the Department Head/Chair to certify that the attendee is a PhD, Postdoc, full time student.

A Payment Confirmation Notification will be sent to your email address, once your payment is processed successfully. For on-line payment, please print the confirmation of the bank. No other confirmation will be sent.

Refund Policy: Registered attendees, who are NOT authors and who finally cannot attend the conference, may be substituted by a colleague or receive a refund on the registration fee, with a cancellation fee of 100 Euro, provided that the refund request is received by August 1st, 2019. After this date NO refund will be granted.

Moreover, no refund is provided to the registered authors

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
SIM-AM_Sec@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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