23/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Advances with Adjoint CFD Solvers for Unsteady Flow III
Minisymposium organized by Jens-Dominik Mueller, Carsten Othmer, Jacek Rokicki, Kyriakos Giannakoglou, Uwe Naumann, Marcus Meyer, Eugene de Villiers, Mustafa Megahed and Laurent Hascoet
Room: Sala D4
Chair: to be confirmed
Unsteady continuous adjoint method using POD for jet-based flow control
Christos Vezyris, Ioannis Kavvadias, Evangelos M. Papoutsis-Kiachagias and Kyriakos C. Giannakoglou

Performance considerations when using INTEL®XEON PHII™coprocessors for unsteady discrete adjoint calculations
Jan C. Hückelheim and Jens-Diminik Müller

On the usage of finite differences for the development of discrete linearised and adjoint CFD solvers
Anna Engels-Putzka, Jan Backhaus and Christian Frey

Node-based and CAD-based parametrisations for shape optimisation
Mateusz Gugala, Shenren Xu and Jens-Dominik Mueller

Optimal control of turbulent jets using an unsteady adjoint solver
Asim Onder and Johan Meyers

Equational differentiation of incompressible flow solvers
Guillaume Pierrot