22/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Modeling of Plasticity and Damage under Cyclic Loading III
Minisymposium organized by Renato Natal, Abílio Jesus and Francisco Pires
Room: Sala B3
Chair: Renato Natal
CoChair: Abilio de Jesus
A Hysteretic MITC9 Shell Finite Element
Anargyros N. Moysidis and Vlasis K. Koumousis

The nonlinear numerical analysis of solid mechanics problems using meshless methods
Jorge Belinha, Lucia Simas Dinis, António A. Fernandes and Renato M. Natal Jorge

A new methodological approach for elastoplastic calculations
Diogo Lira Cecílio, Philippe R.B. Devloo, Sônia M. Gomes and Nathan Shauer

Numerical simulation of the dissipated and stored energies in metals under cyclic loading
Anastasiia A. Kostina and Oleg A. Plekhov

Simulation of biaxial fatigue crack growth in various microstructures modelled by using Varonoi-polygons
Yuta Hitotsugi and Toshihiko Hoshide