23/7/2014    14:00 - 16:00
Uncertainty Modeling and High Performance Stochastic Methods for Computationally Intensive Calibrations, Predictions and Optimizations III
Minisymposium organized by Tan Bui-Thanh, Thomas Carraro, Marko Laine and Ernesto E. Prudencio
Room: Mare Nostrum E
Chair: Ernesto Prudencio
Bayesian uncertainty quantification and propagation using adjoint techniques
Costas Papadimitriou and Dimitrios I. Papadimitriou

Optimal control of two age structured malaria model with model parameter uncertainty
Gasper G. Mwanga and Heikki Haario

Concurrent tolerance allocation in mechanical assemblies by desing under uncertainty methods
Victor E. Ruiz

Uncertainty quantification and calibration of physical models
Habib Najm, Kenny Chowdhary and Khachik Sargsyan

Multilevel estimation of rare events
Elisabeth Ullmann and Iason Papaioannou

Nested sampling for calibration and prior model selection of subsurface flow models
Ahmed H. Elsheikh