22/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling for Complex Materials (MMCM5) I
Minisymposium organized by Patrizia Trovalusci, Tomasz Sadowski, René de Borst and Bernhard Schrefler
Room: Yasmin B
Chair: Bernhard Schrefler
CoChair: Patrizia Trovalusci
Multi-time scaling induced image based crystal plasticity FE models for predicting fatigue in polycrystalline alloys (Keynote Lecture)
Somnath Ghosh

Influence of stiffness variation in timber boards on effective behavior of GLT beams
Georg Kandler, Leopold Wagner, Josef Füssl, Erik Serrano and Josef Eberhardsteiner

A biphase model for concrete subject to sulfate attack
Nicola Cefis and Claudia Comi

A computational study of flexoelectricity in nanostructures
Amir Abdollahi, Christian Peco, Daniel Millán, Marino Arroyo and Irene Arias

Temperature influence on smart structures: A first approach
Francesco Bonaldi, Giuseppe Geymonat, Françoise Krasucki and Michele Serpilli