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Call for Invited Sessions

Call for Invited Sessions

Plenary lectures will be complemented by Invited Sessions organized by recognised experts in targeted research areas.

Participants interested in organizing an Invited Session as part of COMPLAS 2021 are requested to submit a proposal to the conference secretariat no later than June 1st, 2020

Confirmed Invited Sessions

Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Biomechanics: from Molecules to Tissues
Organizers: Gerhard Holzapfel, José Manuel García-Aznar

Advanced computational modelling of wood, wood-based products, and timber structures
Organizers: Josef Füssl, Markus Lukacevic, Michael Kaliske, and Josef Eberhardsteiner

Applications of Computational Methods to Product and Process Design for Industry
Organizers: Takashi iizuka, Shohei kajikawa, Takashi Kuboki

Atomic scale to mesoscale understanding of plasticity in ordered materials
Organizers: Joseph Newkirk, Wes Everhart

A Multi-scale Perspective of computational Plasticity
Organizers: Zhanli Liu, Yinan Cui, Zhuo Zhuang

Computational Modeling of Material Forming Processes
Dedicate this IS to the memory of Prof. Lionel Fourment
Organizers: J.P. Ponthot, C. Agelet de Saracibar, R.A.F. Valente

Computational Structural Stability
Organizers: Herbert Mang, Yeong-Bin Yang

Continuum Damage and Cyclic Plasticity in Fatigue Life Estimate
Organizers: Lucival Malcher

Cyclic Plasticity for Metals
Organizers: Koichi Hashiguchi and Yuki Yamakawa

Cyclic Plasticity for Soils
Organizers: Wei Wu and Koichi Hashiguchi

Damage modeling of concrete structures under extreme loading conditions
Organizers: Michael Kaliske, Anna Pandolfi, Michael Ortiz and Bert Sluys

Data-Driven Mechanics for Inelastic Material Behaviours - Recent Advances and Perspectives
Organizers: Stefanie Reese, Laurent Stainier, Adrien Leygue and Michael Ortiz

Hybrid modelling of mechanics of materials: data enriching models and models rendering data smarter
Organizers: F. Chinesta, E. Cueto, P. Ladeveze

Implicit calculations and Multiplicative Elastoplasticity
Organizers: Yuki Yamakawa and Koichi Hashiguchi

Isogeometric Methods
Organizers: Alessandro Reali, Tom Hughes and Guillermo Lorenzo

Meshfree, Peridynamics, and Particle Methods: Contemporary Methods and Applications
Organizers: J-S. Chen, John Foster, Mike Hillman, Pablo Seleson

Micromechanics of Ductile Damage
Organizers: Curt A. Bronkhorst, Michael Ortiz

Multiphase Flow and non-Newtonian Fluid – Modelling and Applications
Organizers: Chenfeng Li

Multi-scale and computational scale bridging
Organizers: Varvara Kouznetsova, Jörg Schröder, Kenjiro Terada

Multiscale modelling of concrete and concrete structures
Organizers: Herbert Mang, Bernhard Pichler, Yong Yuan

Multi-scale plasticity, damage models & scale bridging
Organizers: Marc Geers, Julien Yvonnet

New Approaches for Modelling and Identification of Localization Phenomena
Organizers: Konstantin Naumenko, Daniel Juhre

Nonlinearities and irreversible processes in solids: computational multi-scale and multi-field approaches
Organizers: Thomas Böhlke, Felix Fritzen

Plastic instability and fracture in ductile materials
Organizers: Ankit Srivastava, José A. Rodríguez-Martínez, Shmuel Osovski

Plasticity modelling, parameter identification and applications to forming operations
Organizers: Miguel Vaz Júnior

Size effects in plasticity and fracture
Organizers: Emilio Martínez-Pañeda, Christian Niordson, Benjamin Klusemann

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Barcelona, Spain
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