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Dear all,

We are happy to inform you that as of today we have received 350 abstracts for COMPLAS 2021.

Due to the worldwide situation with Covid-19, the conference organizers have decided that COMPLAS 2021 will be held in a hybrid mode.

The format of the conference will follow precisely that of a standard in-person event. The conference will be organized in sessions including 5-6 papers each. The same format will be followed by Invited Sessions that could include a Keynote presentation.

Sessions will comprise a mixture of in-person and online presentations:

Authors attending in-person will present their papers as usual on the conference site. These presentations will be live streamed via the conference web platform to those not present on-site.

Authors attending the conference online only will be expected to present their paper live online at the allocated time in their session. Authors who, for justifiable reasons, are unable to make a live online presentation, will be exceptionally allowed to submit their presentation as a pre-recorded video, submitted according to instructions to be provided on the conference website. Pre-recorded videos will be played at the corresponding conference session room and simultaneously streamed online.

In-person and live online presentations will be recorded and stored in a video repository, together with the pre-recorded video presentations. Access to this repository will be freely available to the conference delegates, after the conference.

Due to above change in the conference format, the deadline for submitting an Abstract has been extended to May 11th 2021.

The conference organizers will be monitoring the Covid-19 situation closely. In order to ensure the safety of the participants, the organizers will be following guidelines of the World Health Organisation and applicable government guidelines. If these guidelines require us to do so, the conference may be moved fully online.

We thank you for your understanding and cooperation for the success of COMPLAS 2021.



At CIMNE/UPC in Barcelona, Spain
Eugenio Oņate and Michele Chiumenti

At Swansea University, UK
George Peric and Eduardo de Souza Neto

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Barcelona, Spain
complas_sec@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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