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Social Events

The social events of COMPLAS 2021 coincide with the Welcome Reception and the Conference Banquet.

Outdoor Reception

The Outdoor Reception will be held on Tuesday September 7, 19:00, at the gardens of the Conference venue.

The Conference Banquet will take place on Thursday September 9, 20:30, in the gardens of the prestigious Hotel Miramar Barcelona, located in Montjuic mountain, Pl. Carlos Ibañez, 3, 08038 Barcelona.

The hotel conserves the original facade of the palace built on this site in 1929, when Barcelona was celebrating its second Universal Exhibition, that led to the reconstruction of the Montjuic area, with many buildings in the early twentieth century "novecentismo" style that have become authentic emblems of the city.

A bus service to the Hotel Miramar will be organised, with departure at 20:00 outside the conference venue. After the Banquet the bus will return to the Vertex building. Further information will be available at the conference venue.

Accompanying persons interested can join these events by paying a fee of 90EUR for both social events. Please contact the secretariat to purchase your ticket.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Barcelona, Spain
complas_sec@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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