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Number of visits: 212389

30/9/2015    11:00 - 13:00
Multiphase Flows II
Room: VS214
Chair: Pavel Ryzhakov

SPH study of immiscible flow in porous media and the relation between capillary pressure, saturation and interfacial area
R. Sivanesapillai*, A. Hartmaier and H. Steeb

Distribution of liquid clusters inside a granular packing by LBM
V. Richefeu, F. Radjaï and J-Y. Delenne*

Reliability of the interaction potential based Lattice Boltzmann method for multiphase tribological flows
M. Dzikowski* and J. Rokicki

The effect of fines on the fluidization of cohesive powders
R. Wilson*, D. Dini and B. van Wachem

Simulation of the flow of non-Newtonian self-compacting concrete
F.F. Badry*, B.L. Karihaloo and S. Kulasegaram

Particle contact laws and their properties for simulation of fluid-sediment interaction with coupled SPH-DEM model
D.F.  Vetsch*, F.  Fleissner, A. Mueller and R.M. Boes

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