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Number of visits: 211942

30/9/15    16:30 - 18:30
IS-Particle Methods for Fluid-Structure Interactions at Different Scales II
Invited Session organized by Moubin Liu
Room: VS219
Chair: Guangzheng Zhou

An improved SPH model for water entry of free falling objects
M.B. Liu* and S.M. Li

Numerical modeling of a rabbit cancellous bone and marrow using fluid structure interaction by coupling Lattice Boltzmann and Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics
A. Laouira*, H. Naceur, J. Rahmoun, P. Drazetic and C. Fontaine

An improved finite particle method for modeling natural convection problems
X.Y. Peng*, J.M. Lei and C. Huang

An iterative method for homogenizing particles
C. Huang*, J.M. Lei and M.B. Liu

A coupled Discrete Element Lattice Boltzmann Method considering particles of general shapes
S.A. Galindo - Torres*

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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