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Number of visits: 211918

30/9/15    14:00 - 16:00
IS-MuMoLaDe (Multiscale Modelling of Landslides and Debris Flows) III
Invited Session organized by Sergio Idelsohn, Eugenio Oņate and Pablo Agustín Becker
Room: VS217
Chair: Eugenio Oņate

Landslides and debris flows simulation with the fixed-mesh PFEM-2
P. Becker*, S.R. Idelsohn and E. Oņate

Mixed finite elements for accurate prediction of strain localization failure in geotechnical related problems
L. Benedetti*, M. Cervera and M. Chiumenti

Modeling the behavior of flexible barriers impacted by granular flows using Discrete Element Method
A. Albaba*, S. Lambert, F. Nicot and B. Chareyre

A fluid-particle model for the impact of debris flow on flexible barriers
A. Leonardi*, F.K. Wittel, R. Vetter, M. Mendoza and H.J. Herrmann

Environmental influences on the mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils
P. Osinski*, X. Li and H-S. Yu

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