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Number of visits: 211934

30/9/15    11:00 - 13:00
IS-From Discrete Particles to Continuum Models of Granular Mechanics: Rapid Granular Flows II
Invited Session organized by Joe Goddard and Thomas Weinhart
Room: VS208
Chair: Jin Sun

Standing jumps formed in shallow granular flows down smooth inclines
T. Faug*, P. Childs, E. Wyburn, L. Castro and I. Einav

A depth-averaged µ(I)-rheology for shallow granular free-surface flows
J.M.N.T. Gray* and A.N. Edwards

Three dimensional rheology of soft granular particles under gravity
A. Singh, D. Vescovi*, T. Weinhart, V. Magnanimo, K. Saitoh and S. Luding

Transport coefficients for a model of confined granular fluid
D. Risso*, R. Soto and P. Cordero

Discrete to continuum fields in bidisperse granular mixtures
D.R. Tunuguntla, A.R. Thornton* and T. Weinhart

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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