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Number of visits: 211926

28/9/15    14:00 - 16:00
Multi-fracturing Solids Systems
Room: VS214
Chair: Rainald Löhner

Inclusion of pore pressure effects in discrete element modeling of rock cutting
R.L.J. Helmons*, S.A. Miedema and C. van Rhee

Development of higher order particle discretization scheme for analysis of failure phenomena
M.K. Pal, L. Wijerathne*, M. Hori, T. Ichimura and S. Tanaka

An application of the finite-discrete element method in the simulation of ceramic breakage: methodology for a validation study for alumina specimens
A. Farsi*, J. Xiang, J.P. Latham, A.D. Pullen, M. Carlsson, E.H. Stitt and M. Marigo

A local constitutive model for multifracture analysis of concrete and geomaterials with DEM
E. Oñate*, F. Arrufat, M. Santasusana, J. Miquel and M.A. Celigueta

Peridynamic study of particle fracture under impact loading
N. Blanc*, X. Frank, J-Y. Delenne, C. Mayer-Laigle and F. Radjaï

A FEM-DEM technique for analysis of multifracture in brittle materials
F. Zárate* and E. Oñate

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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