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Number of visits: 211909

28/9/15    14:00 - 16:00
IS-From Discrete Particles to Continuum Models of Granular Mechanics: Elasticity and Wave Propagation II
Invited Session organized by Ken Kamrin and Vanessa Magnanimo
Room: VS213
Chair: Vanessa Magnanimo
CoChair: Ken Kamrin

Backscattering spectral analysis for 1-D Granular Chain
R.K. Shrivastava*, V. Magnanimo and S. Luding

Micro- and Macro-Mechanics of polydisperse, anisotropic granular materials
N. Kumar*, S. Luding and V. Magnanimo

A continuous outlook of discrete mechanics
P. Schuhmacher*, F. Radjaï and S. Roux

Study of wave propagation in aqueous close-packed colloidal monolayers using laser based excitation
W.H. Lin*, I. Buttinoni, J. Cha, L. Isa and C. Daraio

A rigid body spring network model for the simulation of hysteretic behavior of materials
C. Sofianos* and V. Koumousis

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