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Number of visits: 211924

28/9/15    11:00 - 13:00
Geomechanics I
Room: VS215
Chair: Antonia Larese

Discrete element modelling of grain size segregation in bi-disperse granular flows down chute
L. Jing*, F.C.Y. Kwok and A.Y.F. Leung

Transient regime to fluidized chimney within a granular bed by means of a 2D DEM/LBM modeling
J. Ngoma, P. Philippe*, S. Bonelli, P. Cuéllar, J-Y. Delenne and F. Radjaï

Determination of shear zone structure and structural anisotropy within sheared bulk solids using X-ray tomography
L. Torbahn, S. Strege and A. Kwade*

Coupled gas-granular media flows using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
R.C. Hurley* and J.E. Andrade

Investigation of a soft soil excavation process using the particle finite element method
A.R. Leon Bal, T.S. Dang* and G.  Meschke

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