Discrete element modeling of failure initiation and crack propagation in weak snowpack layers
J. Gaume*, G. Chambon, A. van Herwijnen, I. Reiweger and J. Schweizer
Strains in granular materials based on microstructural kinematics
R. Wan* and M. Pouragha
The yield criteria of granular material with micro-mechanical considerations
X. Li* and L. Yang
Solutions of Young–Laplace equation and stability analysis
O. Millet*, B. Mielniczuk, G. Gagneux and R. Belarbi
Multiscale modelling of initial anisotropy, fabric evolution and strain localization in granular media
J. Zhao* and N. Guo
Use of stability analysis to explain the relationship between stress and strength for granular materials
C. O‘Sullivan*, K.J. Hanley and M.A. Wadee
A reappraisal of the concept of the strong/weak force networks for granular materials
N.P. Kruyt*