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Number of visits: 211953

28/9/15    11:00 - 13:00
IS-Advanced Particle Methods for Continuum Mechanics
Invited Session organized by Seiichi Koshizuka, Seiya Hagihara and Minoru Shirazaki
Room: VS217
Chair: Seiya Hagihara
CoChair: Seiichi Koshizuka

Development of a Deaeration model for stirred tank analysis in Moving Particle Simulation method
S. Koshizuka*, S. Kaito, Y. Kikuchi, M. Kujime, Y. Ishiba and A. Horiguchi

Elastic-plastic smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for fluid-structure interaction analysis
S. Hagihara*, T. Shirahama, S. Taketomi, Y. Tadano and S. Tanaka

Numerical analysis of anisotropic high viscosity fluid for press molding of carbon fiber reinforced thermo plastic
R. Shino*, T. Tamai, S. Koshizuka, A. Maki and T. Ishikawa

Simulation of passive scalar transport using hybrid grid-particle method with improved particle shifting approach
T. Matsunaga*, K. Shibata, K. Murotani and S. Koshizuka

Conservative particle system
T. Tamai* and S. Koshizuka

Real-time sampling of particle-based data for surface extraction
F. Hu*, K. Murotani and S. Koshizuka

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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