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Number of visits: 211946

30/9/15    11:00 - 13:00
Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Discrete Element Method (DEM) V
Room: VS216
Chair: Joaquín Irazábal

Simulations of elasto-plasticity at constant pressure close to the unjamming point
E. Lerner*

Periodic boundary conditions for MR linear contact detection algorithm in YNANO
F. Su*, T. Lukas, G.G.S. D‘Albano, H. Zhu and A. Munjiza

Parametric evaluation for powder flowability using a Freeman rheometer: a discrete element method study
Z. Yan*, S.K. Wilkinson, S.A. Turnbull, E.H. Stitt and M. Marigo

A molecular dynamics study on the effects of wall-fluid interaction strength and fluid density on thermal resistance of graphene/argon interface
A. Amani*, S.M.H. Karimian and M. Seyednia

Development of a normal and tangential elastic-plastic force-displacement model for discrete element simulations
D. Rathbone*, M. Marigo, D. Dini and B. van Wachem

A DNA molecule in salt solution: Adaptive resolution molecular dynamics simulation
J. Zavadlav and M. Praprotnik*

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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