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Nş de visitas: 246867

How to arrive to the conference venue

By metro:

The nearest stop is Moyua (exit to “Ercilla-Guggenheim”). Take Elcano street towards the estuary (“Abandoibarra” direction), leaving the Civil Government building on your Leith. Once arrived at the roundabout, take “Ramón Rubial” street until getting to the conference venue, “Bizkaia Aretoa” building of the University. It takes 10’ walk from the metro station to the University.
Bilbao Metro web site

By tramway:

The nearest stop is Guggenheim stop, just nearby the Bizkaia Aretoa (1 minute walk). Bilbao tramway web site

By car:

The nearest car parking is located at Euskadi Square (Plaza Euskadi), entrance at Ramón Rubial street (1 minute walk)

By bus:

Bilbobus: Lines 1, 10, 13 y 18, “Plaza del Museo de Bellas Artes” stop or Deusto bridge stop (6 minutes walk). Lines 13, 27, 38 y 48, Alameda de Rekalde stop (8 minutes walk). Lines 11 y 71, University of Deusto stop (you have to cross the estuary by the Footbridge Pedro Arrupe, 8 minutes walk).

Bizkaibus: Lines A2153, A2314, A2322, A3225, A3411, A3516, A3517, A3518, A3527, Museum Square Plaza del Museo stop (6 minutes walk). Lines A3247 y A3414, Alameda de Rekalde stop (8 minutes walk). Line A3223, University of Deusto stop (you have to cross the estuary by the Footbridge Pedro Arrupe, 8 minutes walk).

By train:

Renfe: Abando station (also know as North station). You can take any metro, direction to “Plentzia”. Tramway Abando Stop is also near (direction to “Basurto”). Bizkaia Aretoa is about 20 minutes walking distance.

EuskoTrain: Atxuri stop has connection to the tramway. Bizkaia Aretoa is about 30 minutes walking distance.

FEVE: Concorde (“Concordia”) station, also knows as Santander station, is nearby Abando station. Bizkaia Aretoa can be reached as informed above.

Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería. Barcelona, España.
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