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      Sponsorhip Conditions

Nº de visitas: 248297

Sponsorship Conditions

A) Sponsorship Packages

Three levels of sponsorship packages will be allowed for this congress: PLATINUM, GOLD and SILVER.

PLATINUM Sponsor: (€ 7,000.–)
It includes:

  • Exhibition space with preferred choice of allocation and size in the designed area.

  • 2 complimentary congress registrations including receipt of the congress bag with all congress documents, free access to the welcome cocktail, coffee breaks, meals and banquet.

  • Presentation of your latest developments/products to your target audience by a 45 minutes speech. Time slot will be allotted for your company, in parallel to the congress programme. You will be provided with an appropriate lecture room and standard technical equipment and announced both in the final programme and on the congress website.

  • Recognition as “Platinum Sponsor” with the largest company name and logo on the congress website and during the congress presentation.

    GOLD Sponsor: (€ 5,000.–)
    It includes:

  • Exhibition space with choice of allocation after Platinum Sponsors.

  • 1 complimentary congress registration including receipt of the congress bag with all congress documents, free access to the welcome cocktail, and to the coffee breaks.

  • Recognition as “Gold Sponsor” with the second largest company name and logo on the congress website and during the congress presentation.

  • SILVER Sponsor: (€ 3,000.–)
    It includes:

  • Exhibition space with choice of allocation after Platinum and Gold Sponsors.

  • Recognition as “Silver Sponsor” with the third largest company name and logo on the congress website and during the congress presentation.

  • B) Sponsoring Items

    Your company can choose a combination of different items to be sponsored, depending on the abovementioned level, such are:

    Support of the congress banquet: € 5,000.–
    The congress banquet will take place on Thursday, June 27 in the new spaces of the international conference centre Euskalduna. It is the main social event of the congress and represents a unique opportunity to leave a lasting impression to all attendees. Special actuations will be displayed during this event. Your signs can be set up around the banquet area and special nomination will be dedicated during the prizes giving speech.

    Support of the congress welcome cocktail: € 4,000.–
    The welcome cocktail is a very highly attended and lively event of the congress. No scientific sessions are held during this time, to allow both attendees and exhibitors time to interact with other colleagues.

    Support of the congress plenary lectures: € 3,000.–
    Plenary lectures are usually fully attended sessions early in the mornings where invited well known scientist will conduct high standard speeches related to specific topics on numerical methods. The plenary lecturers usually come from all over the world so their expenses (travel and accommodation) are waived by the congress organization. Your signs can be set up in the auditorium.

    Support of the congress coffee breaks and meals: € 2,000.–
    Coffee breaks offered twice a day (mornings and evenings) and meals offered once a day (afternoons) to all congress participants represent a relaxing time to interact with colleagues. Your support will be shown through your signs in the designed area.

    Support of the congress bag inserts: € 1,000.–
    Your company leaflet or small brochure with a maximum size A4 will be inserted into each congress bag which will be distributed to all congress participants. Final number and shipping details to be confirmed in due course.

    C) Conditions of Payment

    All mentioned prices are net (VAT excluded). All orders submitted with the sponsorship order form are binding and cannot be cancelled. Payment is due upon receipt of the invoice to:

    I.B.A.N.: ES34 0019 0029 19 4128000891
    Swift Code: DEUTESBBXXX
    Holder: Sociedad Española de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería (SEMNI)


  • All bank charges are the responsibility of the participant and should be paid in addition to the registration fees.

  • Please remember to indicate “CMN 2013” and your “Company’s name” in the concept/reference when transferring the fee.

  • A copy of the bank transfer must be sent to the Congress Secretariat by email or fax.

  • For further information on Sponsoring Opportunities or for discussing a customized sponsorship package that meets your specific marketing needs, please contact:

    Mrs. Cristina Forace and Mrs. Laia Aranda
    Congress Secretariat
    Sociedad Española de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería (SEMNI)
    Ed. C-1, Campus Norte UPC
    C/Gran Capitán, s/n, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
    Tel:+34 93 405 46 96 Fax: +34 93 205 83 47

    E-mail:  cmn_2013@cimne.upc.edu

    Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería. Barcelona, España.
    cmn_2013@cimne.upc.edu / Tel. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
    Copyright © 2013 CIMNE, All Rights Reserved.