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Nº de visitas: 248289

Welcome to Bilbao!

Bilbao, located in the eastern Atlantic watershed in the Iberian Peninsula, is the core of a metropolitan area with more than one million inhabitants. Since its foundation in 1300 it has been the fundamental factor and the main socio-economic axis around which the Vizcaya region has set its modernisation process. Its impressive transportation infrastructure connects it to the rest of Europe by air, land and sea.

For general tourist information we recommend you to visit Bilbao city official web site.

Arrivals at Bilbao-Loiu airport

Bilbao Airport lies 12 kilometres away from the city, in the Loiu district. The Vizcayan capital and its airport are linked by highway, which makes the journey quick and easy.

The bus that links Bilbao and the airport is Bizkaibus A3247, a yellow urban bus whose departure point is Termibús, a bus terminal providing connections with San Mamés station of Metro Bilbao, Euskotran, and RENFE short-distance trains. Buses also stop at Gran Vía, 79; Plaza Moyúa (the nearest to the conference venue) and Alameda Recalde, the only three other stops in their way to the airport.

At the airport, the departure point is the stop in front of the Arrivals Terminal, and the stops in Bilbao are at Alameda Recalde, 14; Gran Vía (Government Regional Office); Gran Vía, 74. Then it reaches Termibus (Bilbao Bus Terminal), where the route ends. You can also reach Bilbao by taxi or car rental.

For further information please visit:
Arriving by plane
Bilbao Airport

Arrivals at Termibus (Bilbao Bus Terminal):

You can reach Bizkaia Aretoa by walk (about 20 minutes) or take the Tramway at San Mamés stop, direction to Atxuri.

For further information please visit:
Termibus web site

Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería. Barcelona, España.
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