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Nº de visitas: 248287

Thematic Sessions

ST01: Advanced discretization methods
(Sonia Fernández-Méndez, Jorge Belinha)

ST03: Numerical Methods in Contact Mechanics
(A. Pinto da Costa, J.A. González Pérez)

ST04: Genetic algorithms
(Jorge Magalhaes-Mendes)

ST05: A posteriori error estimation and mesh adaptivity
(Sergey Korotov, Luca Gerardo-Giorda)

ST07: Computational fluids dynamics
(R. Antón, G.S. Larraona, Juan Carlos Ramos, A. Rivas)

ST08: Structural and fracture dynamics
(Alex Barbat, Alvaro Cunha)

ST09: Micromechanics of defects in materials
(Pilar Ariza)

ST10: Elasticity and resistance of materials
(José Luis Morales, F. Alhama)

ST11: Stability and non-linear behaviour of steel structures
(Dinar Camotim, Cilmar Basaglia)

ST12: Fracture mechanics
(Vladislav Mantic)

ST13: Steel and composite structures
(Nuno Lopes, Manuel Romero)

ST14: Non-newtonian fluids and glaciology
(Francisco Navarro, R. Dias, J. Otero)

ST15: Geotechnics
(Rafael Jiménez, José V. Lemos)

ST16: Computational methods in acoustics and vibrations
(Jaime Ramis, Luis Godinho)

ST17: Computational Modeling in Mechanobiology and Tissue Engineering
(Guillermo Rus, Paulo Fernandes, Mª José Gómez Benito)

ST18: Model reduction techniques in engineering
(Francisco Chinesta, Elías Cueto, Pedro Díez, Antonio Huerta)

ST19: Computational methods in experimental mechanics
(Jesús Mª Blanco, R. Sancibrián)

ST20: Finite element methods for convection-diffusion problems
(Lakhdar Remaki, Abdelkader Baggag)

ST21: Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
(J.F.A. Madeira, H. Rodrigues)

ST22: Numerical methods for turbomachinery and rotating flows
(Xesús Nogueira, Ignasi Colominas)

ST23: Computational biomechanics and applications
(Joao Folgado, Begoña Calvo, Renato Natal, Estefanía Peña)

ST24: Fracture, failure and non-linear behavior of the material in concrete structures and quasi-brittle materials
(Xavier Oliver, Rui Faria)

ST27: Composite materials
(Guillermo Rus, Cristovao Mota Soares)

ST28: Modelling coastal processes in nearshore zones
(José Antunes do Carmo, C.J. Fortes, P. Avilez-Valente)

ST29: Numerical methods in dam engineering
(Antonia Larese, I. Escuder)

ST30: Image Processing and Visualization
(Xavier Roca, Joao Tavares)

ST31: Biomechanics and biomechatronics
(Miguel Tavares, Jorge M.M. Martins, F. Javier Alonso, Josep Font-Llagunes)

ST34: Isogeometric Analysis
(Héctor Gómez, Fermín Navarrina)

ST35: Simulation of forming processes
(Robertt Valente, Elías Cueto, R.M. Natal Jorge, Francisco Chinesta)

ST36: Heat and mass transfer
(Jesús Mª Blanco, Nuno Simoes)

ST37: Dynamic effects in high-speed railway tracks
(Felipe Gabaldón, Rui Calçada)

ST38: Coupling and parallel problems
(Paulo Amado Mendes, Pedro Vieira Alberto, Guillaume Houzeaux)

ST39: Recent advances in BEM
(Andrés Sáez, Julieta António, António Tadeu)

ST40: Sheet Metal forming and material characterization
(Abel Santos, Marian Gutiérrez, Luis Filipe Menezes)

ST42: Construction engineering
(Miguel Ferraz, Eduardo Rojí)

ST43: Numerical methods for partial differential equations and applications
(Juan José Anza)

Other scientific topics:


Applications to electronic engineering

Structure engineering

Incremental stamping

Flow in porous media

Neuronal networks

Enviromental engineering

Transport engineering

Behaviour of thin wall structures

Multi-body dynamics

Computational hydraulic

Contact materials

Dynamic material behaviour

Polymers structures

Linear algebra parallel methods

Meshfree Methods

Modeling in biological and biomimetics processes

Numerical modeling in fire safety engineering

Coastal oceanography and engineering

Residual methods for differential equations

Adaptive and error estimation

Seismic engineering

Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería. Barcelona, España.
cmn_2013@cimne.upc.edu / Tel. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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