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Number of visits: 88215

Tuesday, September 27th

17:00 - 19:00
Pre Registration

Wednesday, September 28th

08:00 - 12:00

08:30 - 08:45
Welcome Address

08:45 - 10:30
Plenary Lectures I
Room: Auditorium

Limit States and Risk-based Approaches for Structural Design of Ships and Offshore Installations: Recent Advances and Future Trends
J. Kee Paik

Offshore Renewable Energy, the Experience of a Design Office
M. Moreu, M. Taboada, D. Fernandez, A. Taboada and J. Moreu

Assessment of Cavitation Models for Propeller Design Applications
F. Salvatore

10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break

11:00 - 13:00
IS - Propulsion and Cavitation I
Invited Session organized by Francesco Salvatore and José Falcão de Campos
Room: 0.2-1

Interactions of Multiple Bubbles: Experimental and Numerical Study
H.K. Woo and Y.S. Shin

Numerical Prediction of Erosive Collapse Events in Unsteady Compressible Cavitating Flows
M.S. Mihatsch, S.J. Schmidt, M. Thalhamer and N.A. Adams

A Mesh Adaptive Compressible Euler Model for the Simulation of Cavitating Flow
C. Eskilsson and R.E. Bensow

Exploratory RANS Simulations of Partial Cavitation and its Dynamics
M. Hoekstra

Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrange Approaches to Cavitation Modelling in Marine Applications
S. Yakubov, B. Cankurt, T. Maquil, P. Schiller, M. Abdel-Maksoud and T. Rung

IS - Marine/Offshore Renewable Energy I
Invited Session organized by Trond Kvamsdal, Julio García-Espinosa, Borja Serván Camas and António Sarmento
Room: 0.2-2

Numerical Techniques for the Hydrodynamic Modelling and Optimisation of Heaving Wave Energy Devices
P. Ricci, A. Falcão, I. Touzón, O. Duperray and J.L. Villate

Numerical Simulation of Energy Buoy Motion in Wave
P. Dymarski and C. Dymarski

Numerical Simulation of an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter with and without Damping
E. Didier, J. Paixão Conde and P. Teixeira

Advances in the Development of a Time-domain Unstructured Finite Element Method for the Analysis of Waves and Floating Structures Interaction
B. Serván-Camas and J. García-Espinosa

Analytical and Computational Approach for Studying the Interaction between Waves and Cylindrical Wave Energy Converters Oscillating in Two Modes
H. Heikkinen, M. Lampinen and J. Boling

Structural Problems WeM3
Room: 0.2-3

Nonlinear Structural Consequence Analysis of FPSO’s Fire Walls
J.K. Paik, D.C. Kim, J.H. Kim, C.K. Kim, M.D. Shafiqul, B.J. Kim and J.K. Seo

Finite Element Analysis for Fatigue Prediction of Copper Conductors Applied in Offshore Wind Turbines
F.P. Nasution, J.K.Ø. Gjøsteen and S. Sævik

Numerical Simulation of Water Blast Wave Mitigation with Rubber Shield
C. Kim and Y.S. Shin

Structural Integrity Analysis of Offshore Pipelines using Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM)
V. Tharigopula and G. Skeie

Nonlinear Structural Consequence Analysis of FPSO’s Blast Walls
J.K. Paik, B.H. Kim, J.M. Sohn, B.J. Kim and J.K. Seo

13:00 - 14:15
Lunch Break

14:15 - 16:15
IS - Propulsion and Cavitation II
Invited Session organized by Francesco Salvatore and José Falcão de Campos
Room: 0.2-1

Computational Tool Development for Propeller Design Considering Cavitation
R.E. Bensow and G. Bark

Numerical and Experimental Investigation into Propulsion and Cavitation Performance of Marine Propeller
N. Hasuike, S. Yamasaki and J. Ando

Numerical Study of Marine Propellers by an Unsteady Hybrid RANSE–BEM Approach
R. Muscari, F. Salvatore, L. Greco and A. Di Mascio

RANS Simulation of the Performances of Contra-Rotating Propellers
C. J Yang

Modelling of Moving-Objects with Viscous-Flow Solvers. Calculation of Propeller Flows in Open-Water and In-Behind Conditions
G. Vaz and D. Rijpkema

IS - Marine/Offshore Renewable Energy II
Invited Session organized by Trond Kvamsdal, Julio García-Espinosa, Borja Serván Camas and António Sarmento
Room: 0.2-2

The Variation in Wake Structure of a Tidal Stream Turbine with Reynolds Number
R. Malki, I. Masters, A.J. Williams and N. Croft

Efficient Numerical Simulations of Offshore Structures and Wind Turbines on General Purpose Graphics Processing Units
M. Muskulus

Examples of Important Ongoing Research Topics for Offshore Wind Energy
M.O.L. Hansen, H. Bredmose and S. Schløer

High Energy Ship Collisions with Jacket Supported Offshore Wind Turbines
J. Amdahl and T. Holmås

Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Wind Turbines - Some Analysis Examples
B. Haugen and T. Holmås

IS - Fluid-Structure Interaction I
Invited Session organized by Yuri Bazilevs and Tayfun E. Tezduyar
Room: 0.2-3

Keynote Lecture
Advances in the Particle Finite Element Method for Multidisciplinary Problems in Marine and Harbour Engineering

E. Oñate, S.R. Idelsohn, M.A. Celigueta, B. Suarez and J.S. Latorre

Free-Surface Flow and Fluid-Structure Interaction
Y. Bazilevs, I. Akkerman, C.E. Kees and M.W. Farthing

Vortex Induced Vibration of an Elastically Mounted Circular Cylinder with Forced Rotataions
Z.Y. Huang and C.M Larsen

The Effect of Non-linear Free Surface on a Bluff Body Dynamics
S. Kocabiyik and C. Bozkaya

16:15 - 16:45
Coffee Break

16:45 - 18:00
IS - Propulsion and Cavitation III
Invited Session organized by Francesco Salvatore and José Falcão de Campos
Room: 0.2-1

Adaptive Mesh Refinement in MARIN‘s Viscous Flow Solver ReFRESCO
J. Windt and C.M. Klaij

The BEM as a Tool for Analyzing Unsteady Propulsor Motions, with Applications to Maneuvering Propellers and Biomimetic Flows
G. K. Politis

CFD Simulation of Two Marine Propellers based on Biologically-inspired Undulating Movement: Anguiliform vs. Gymnotiform Swimming Mode
J. Rodriguez, I. Lamas, C. Rodriguez and P. González

IS -Isogeometric Methods for Marine Engineering I
Invited Session organized by Trond Kvamsdal and Kjell Magne Mathisen
Room: 0.2-2

Shape-Linearization for Isogeometric Free-Surface Flow
K.G. van der Zee, C.V. Verhoosel and E.H. van Brummelen

Fluid Structure Interaction using a Combined Isogeometric Analysis and Boundary Element Method Approach
G. Skeie, T. Driveklepp and V. Tharigopula

Isogeometric 2D CFD Simulations of Offshore Wind Turbine Blades
R Holdahl, A.M Kvarving, T Kvamsdal and K. M Okstad

IS - Fluid-Structure Interaction II
Invited Session organized by Yuri Bazilevs and Tayfun E. Tezduyar
Room: 0.2-3

Keynote Lecture
Uncertainty Quantification in Flow-structures Interaction Supported by Scientific Workflow Management

G. Guerra , F. Rochinha, R. Elias, A. Coutinho , V. Braganholo, D. de Oliveira, E. Ogasawara , F. Seabra and M. Mattoso

Numerical Simulation on Hydroelastic Response of Structures under Impact Loads from Water using Eulerian Scheme with Lagrangian Particles
H. Mutsuda, S. Baso, K. Kawakami, K. Hashihira and Y. Doi

19:30 - 20:30
Welcome Reception

Thursday September 29th

08:45 - 10:30
Plenary Lecture II
Room: Auditorium

Future Challenges for Computational Hydrodynamics in Marine and Offshore Engineering
B. Buchner

Computational Challenges for Mega-Scale Twin Hull Cruise Ship
P. Bergan and C. Jang

Enabling Computational Methods for Offshore Wind Turbines
Y. Bazilevs

10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break

11:00 - 13:00
IS - Maneuvering and Seakeeping I
Invited Session organized by Serge Toxopeus, Andres Cura Hochbaum, Chi Yang and Rainald Lohner
Room: 0.2-1

An Optimization Tool for the Analysis and Control of Blowing and Venting Operations in Manned Submarines
R. Font and J. García

Computational Investigation of Non-Body-of-Revolution Hull Form Maneuvering Characteristics
K. Delaney

Simulation of Submarine Manoeuvring Using Navier Stokes Solver
A. Drouet, G. Reliquet, A. Bardin, E. Jacquin, L. Gentaz and B. Alessandrini

Numerical Simulations of the Sails Aerodynamics for a 16th Century Portuguese Nau
C. Ciortan and N. Fonseca

IS - CFD for Offshore Applications I
Invited Session organized by Guilherme Vaz and Fahd Fathi
Room: 0.2-2

Numerical Simulation of Extreme Wave Impact on Offshore Platforms and Coastal Constructions
R. Luppes, B. Duz, H. van der Heiden, P. van der Plas and A.E.P. Veldman

Viscous-Flow Calculations for Model and Full-Scale Current Loads on Typical Offshore Structures
A.H. Koop, C.M. Klaij and G. Vaz

RANS Predictions of Roll Viscous Damping of Ship Hull Sections
F. Jaouen, A. Koop, G. Vaz and P. Crepier

Ship Systems I ThM3
Room: 0.2-3

High Informative Content Management in Shipboard Applications
F. Calabrese, L. Coluccio, A. Corallo, L. Mancarella, L. Ostuni and A.A. Zizzari

A Novel Approach for Decision Support System in Marine Applications
L. Ostuni, F. Calabrese, A.A. Zizzari and A. Corallo

A Multidisciplinary Approach for On Board Stability System
L. Coluccio, A.A. Zizzari, M.M. Manzo, F. Calabrese and A. Corallo

Advanced CAD Integrated Approach for Naval Applications
L. Mancarella, F. Calabrese, A.A. Zizzari and A. Corallo

13:00 - 14:15
Lunch Break

14:15 - 16:15
IS - Maneuvering and Seakeeping II
Invited Session organized by Serge Toxopeus, Andres Cura Hochbaum, Chi Yang and Rainald Lohner
Room: 0.2-1

Viscous-flow Calculations for KVLCC2 in Deep and Shallow Water
S. Toxopeus

Calculation of the Flow around Two Interacting Ships
T. Arslan, B. Pettersen and H. I. Andersson

KVLCC2 Benchmark Data Including Uncertainty Analysis to Support Manoeuvring Predictions
F. Quadvlieg and J. Brouwer

Coefficients Identification for Ship Manoeuvring Simulation Model based on Optimization Technique
K.T. Tran, A. Ouahsine, H. Naceur, F. Hissel and A. Pourplanche

IS - CFD for Offshore Applications II
Invited Session organized by Guilherme Vaz and Fahd Fathi
Room: 0.2-2

Reliability-based Dynamic Positioning of Floating Vessels with Riser and Mooring System
B.J. Leira and S. Fang

Structural Performance and Dynamic Response of Semi-Submersible Offshore Platforms Using a Fully Coupled SPH/FE Approach
P. Croaker, F. El-Khaldi, P. Groenenboom, B. Cartwright and A. Kamoulakos

An Absorbing Boundary Condition for Regular and Irregular Wave Simulations
B. Duz, R.H. Huijsmans, A.E. Veldman, M.J. Borsboom and P.R. Wellens

Ship Systems II ThA3
Room: 0.2-3

Quantitative Assessment of Operation of Ship Main Diesel Engine
J. Rudnicki

Analysis of Diagnostic Informativeness of the Exhaust Temperature of a Naval Gas Turbine
Z. Korczewski

Ship Electric Propulsion: Analyses through Modeling and Simulation
A. Coraddu and M. Figari

Feasibility of an Innovative Wing Mast for a Sustainable Use in Fishing Boats, Tankers and Cargo Ships
G. Bergamini, G. Demelio, M. Iamele, G. Campa and L. Nettis

16:15 - 16:45
Coffee Break

16:45 - 18:00
IS - Maneuvering and Seakeeping III
Invited Session organized by Serge Toxopeus, Andres Cura Hochbaum, Chi Yang and Rainald Lohner
Room: 0.2-1

Turning Ability Characteristics Study of a Twin Screw Vessel by CFD
R. Broglia, D. Durante, G. Dubbioso and A. Di Mascio

A Numerical Model to Determine Ship Manoeuvring Motion in Regular Waves
J. Schoop-Zipfel and M. Abdel-Maksoud

IS - Isogeometric Methods for Marine Engineering II
Invited Session organized by Trond Kvamsdal and Kjell Magne Mathisen
Room: 0.2-2

Modeling for Isogeometric Analysis
V. Skytt

Adaptive Refinement of Isogeometric Plate Elements using LR-Splines
T. Kvamsdal, K. A Johannessen, K. M. Okstad and S. B Raknes

Non-linear Isogeometric Analysis in Marine Applications
K.M. Mathisen, K.M. Okstad, T. Kvamsdal and G. Skeie

20:00 - 23:00
Conference Banquet Dinner

Friday, September 30th

09:15 - 10:30
Plenary Lectures III
Room: Auditorium

CFD in Ship Hydrodynamics - Results of the Gothenburg 2010 Workshop
L. Larsson, F. Stern and M. Visonneau

Marine Environmental Modelling as a case study of Physical Modelling
R. Neves

10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break

11:00 - 13:00
IS - Ship Hydrodynamics I
Invited Session organized by Michel Visonneau and Martin Hoekstra
Room: 0.2-1

RANS Simulations Using Overset Meshes
J. Brunswig and T. Rung

Fast Robust Design Optimisation Methods Applied to Ship Hydrodynamics
P. Geremia, T. Schumacher and E. de Villiers

Goal Oriented Mesh Adaptation for Wake Field Predictions
M. Manzke and T. Rung

Anisotropic Mesh Refinement in Ship Flow Simulation with Free Surface
J. Wackers, G.B. Deng and M. Visonneau

Adjoint Aftship Re-design for Wake Optimization under the Influence of Active Propulsion
J. Kroeger, A. Stueck and T. Rung

IS - Coastal Ocean Modelling I
Invited Session organized by Aires dos Santos and Juha Videman
Room: 0.2-2

Keynote Lecture
Numerical models for hydrodynamics, waves and sediment transport

C. Dawson, J.C. Dietrich, E.J. Kubatko, J. Meixner, C. Michoski, C.  Mirabito, J. Proft and J.J. Westerink

Modeling of Solitary Wave Run-up Using Localized DQM Combined with Real Time AM Algorithm
A. Mahdavi and M. R Hashemi

Implementation and Validation of a New Wave Breaking Criterion in a Nonlinear Wave Propagation Model
L.V. Pinheiro , C.J. Fortes, J.L. Fernandes , M.A. Walkley and V. Rodriguez

Numerical Modelling of Waves Interacting with the Breakwaters of Leixões Harbour, Portugal
M. G. Neves, M. T. Reis, J. Gadelho, J. L. Lara, F. T. Pinto, H. G. Lopes and J. P. Cabral

13:00 - 14:15
Lunch Break

14:15 - 16:15
IS - Ship Hydrodynamics II
Invited Session organized by Michel Visonneau and Martin Hoekstra
Room: 0.2-1

Large Eddy Simulation of the Flow Past the DTMB 5415 Surface Combatant Hull with and Without Bilge Keels
C. Fureby, N. Alin, M.  Liefvendahl and U.  Svennberg

Use of RANS for Analysis of a High-Speed Sealift Concept Vessel
K. Delaney

A Numerical and Experimental Study on the Hydrodynamic of a Catamaran Varying the Demihull Separation
S. Zaghi, R. Broglia and A. Di Mascio

Prediction of the Transom Flow Regime with Viscous Free Surface Computations
A. van der Ploeg and A.R. Starke

On the Application of Wall Functions in Ship Viscous Flows
L. Eça and M. Hoekstra

IS - Coastal Ocean Modelling II
Invited Session organized by Aires dos Santos and Juha Videman
Room: 0.2-2

Numerical Prediction of Ship-generated Waves in Inland Waterways
S. Ji, A. Ouahsine, H. Smaoui and P. Sergent

Surface Water Waves Induced Hydrodynamics around Breakwater Heads. 3D Navier-Stokes Approach
M. del Jesus, J.L.  Lara, Y. Guanche, I. J Losada and G. Barajas

Interaction between Wave and Coastal Structure: Validation of two Lagrangian Numerical Models with Experimental Results
E. Didier, J. Vasco, R. Martins and M.G. Neves

Analysis Of Superficial Anomalies Observed In Iberia Southwest Coast - Numerical Model Approach
P. Leitão, L. Moreno, C. Perez, J. Espejo, M. Malhadas, J. Ribeiro, J. Nogueira, R. Neves and M. Fernández

16:15 - 16:30