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Number of visits: 88185

Conference Venue

The conference will take place at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Congress Centre, in Lisbon, Portugal,on September 28 – 30 of 2011.

Lisbon is the capital of Portugal and it is located on the right margin of the Tagus (Tejo) River close to its mouth. The municipality of Lisbon occupies 84 Km2 and its resident population is 556,797 (2001). Including all its satellite cities, the Lisbon area extends for 2750km2 and its population is 2.1 million.

Lisbon is a city of valleys and hills facing the river Tejo. The city grew from the Castelo hill along time ago. Since the Arabs and Romans many were those who gave their contribute to Lisbon.

With the Muslims, Cerca Moura was built with the alcáçova, medina and a very typical bairro: Alfama.

On the XVI century, the great Portuguese discovers transformed Lisbon in a commercial city. Visit the Jerónimos Monastery, Padrão dos Descobrimentos and the Torre de Belém, symbols of that time. Since that period, Bairro Alto grew. There, sailors and artifact men lived, worked and spent their free time listening to Fado – a very tradicional song. If you go down hill you’ll sure visit the Baixa Pombalina near the river with Rossio, Terreiro do Paço and the monument to king José I. Be sure to walk by the river and feel the city; watch the ships coming in and out of the harbour, people walking through the Bairros, observe the streets and popular festivities and by night listen to Fado and learn about Saudade!

Congress Centre - IST



The city


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