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Social Program

The Welcome Reception, on Wednesday, September 28th, 19:30, will take place at the Belém Tower (Torre de Belém - http://www.to! rrebelem.pt/pt/index.php), an Unesco World heritage site, located in the municipality of Lisbon.

Bus transportation will be available from the IST door (see attached map) at 18:45. The buses will leave Torre de Belém around 20:45 back to IST.

The Conference Banquet Dinner, on Thursday, September 29t, 20.00, will take place at Fado House, a Portuguese house situated in the heart of Lisbon: (http://www.velhopateodesantana.com)

Bus transportation will be available from the IST door (see attached map) at 19:30. The buses will leave the restaurant around 23:00 back to IST.

Accompanying persons interested in joining the Welcome Reception and the Banquet Dinner can do so at a preference fee of 75 Euros.

Students interested in joining the Banquet dinner can do so at a preference banquet fee of 55 Euros.

Orders can be placed through your personal account, on the conference website (you have to log in) by Friday, September 23. We can not guarantee extra tickets after that date.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
marine@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 -- Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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