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Number of visits: 85455

28/9/11    11:00 - 13:00
IS - Marine/Offshore Renewable Energy I
Invited Session organized by Trond Kvamsdal, Julio García-Espinosa, Borja Serván Camas and António Sarmento
Room: 0.2-2

Numerical Techniques for the Hydrodynamic Modelling and Optimisation of Heaving Wave Energy Devices
P. Ricci, A. Falcão, I. Touzón, O. Duperray and J.L. Villate

Numerical Simulation of Energy Buoy Motion in Wave
P. Dymarski and C. Dymarski

Numerical Simulation of an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter with and without Damping
E. Didier, J. Paixão Conde and P. Teixeira

Advances in the Development of a Time-domain Unstructured Finite Element Method for the Analysis of Waves and Floating Structures Interaction
B. Serván-Camas and J. García-Espinosa

Analytical and Computational Approach for Studying the Interaction between Waves and Cylindrical Wave Energy Converters Oscillating in Two Modes
H. Heikkinen, M. Lampinen and J. Boling

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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