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Number of visits: 85450

30/9/11    14:15 - 16:15
IS - Ship Hydrodynamics II
Invited Session organized by Michel Visonneau and Martin Hoekstra
Room: 0.2-1

Large Eddy Simulation of the Flow Past the DTMB 5415 Surface Combatant Hull with and Without Bilge Keels
C. Fureby, N. Alin, M.  Liefvendahl and U.  Svennberg

Use of RANS for Analysis of a High-Speed Sealift Concept Vessel
K. Delaney

A Numerical and Experimental Study on the Hydrodynamic of a Catamaran Varying the Demihull Separation
S. Zaghi, R. Broglia and A. Di Mascio

Prediction of the Transom Flow Regime with Viscous Free Surface Computations
A. van der Ploeg and A.R. Starke

On the Application of Wall Functions in Ship Viscous Flows
L. Eça and M. Hoekstra

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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