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Number of visits: 85470

30/9/10    11:00 - 13:00
IS - Coastal Ocean Modelling I
Invited Session organized by Aires dos Santos and Juha Videman
Room: 0.2-2

Keynote Lecture
Numerical models for hydrodynamics, waves and sediment transport

C. Dawson, J.C. Dietrich, E.J. Kubatko, J. Meixner, C. Michoski, C.  Mirabito, J. Proft and J.J. Westerink

Modeling of Solitary Wave Run-up Using Localized DQM Combined with Real Time AM Algorithm
A. Mahdavi and M. R Hashemi

Implementation and Validation of a New Wave Breaking Criterion in a Nonlinear Wave Propagation Model
L.V. Pinheiro , C.J. Fortes, J.L. Fernandes , M.A. Walkley and V. Rodriguez

Numerical Modelling of Waves Interacting with the Breakwaters of Leixões Harbour, Portugal
M. G. Neves, M. T. Reis, J. Gadelho, J. L. Lara, F. T. Pinto, H. G. Lopes and J. P. Cabral

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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