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Number of visits: 89783

13/4/2016    14:00 - 16:00
SESSION 5b Microstructures II-FEM of Miscrostructures
Room: Ągora
Chair: Georg J. Schmitz

Accelerating multi-scale microstructure simulations by exploiting local macroscopic quasi-homogeneities
J. Gawad, Md. Khairullah, D. Roose and A. Van Bael

Finite element discretization of digital material representation models
L. Madej, A. Fular, K. Banas, F. Kruzel, P. Cybulka and K. Perzynski

OOF flexible finite element modeling for materials science
A. Reid, S. Langer and S. Keshavarz

3D simulation of static recrystallization and phase transformation using multi-phase-field and crystal plasticity fast fourier transformation methods
A. Yamanaka

On the usage of HDF5 in the DAMASK crystal plasticity toolkit
F. Roters, C. Zhang, P. Eisenlohr, P. Shanthraj and M. Diehl

A multiscale perspective on bainite transformation in steel
U. Prahl and M. Lin

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
icme2016@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 94 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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