  About ICME
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  Format of the Workshop / Call for

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  Sandbox Scenarios NEW!
  Important Dates
  Registration & Abstract

      Registered Participant
      Registration Form
  Location & Accommodation
  Technical Programme NEW!

Number of visits: 89796

How to Register and Submit an Abstract

Registration and abstract submissions will be through the Workshop web site.
To be able to submit an abstract, you have to first register.

If you are not registered
  1. Enter your personal data in the Web form (choose your own login name and password) and save it.
  2. Access your personal record and complete the abstract information. Be sure to complete the submission by clicking on the "Add" button. Only PDF files can be uploaded (maximum size 1 MB).
If you are registered
  1. Enter the site using your login name and password.
  2. Continue as described at Step 2 above.

Registration Fees

Registration fees are expressed in Euro. Early registration applicable if paid until February 22th 2016. The workshop fee comprises admission to all scientific sessions, coffee breaks, reception and banquet. Social events included in the registration fee have to be pre-booked.


Early Fees
If paid until
February 22th 2016

Late Fees
If paid after
February 22th 2016


400 €

500 €

Full Time Students

275 €

350 €

Extra Tickets for Reception and Dinner

150 €

150 €

Refund Policy: Non-author registrants who cannot attend, and do not send a substitute, will receive a refund on their registration fee with a cancellation fee of 100 Euro if the refund request is received in writing by March 15th 2016. Registrants are liable for their full fees after that date (i.e., NO Refund will be made).
Payment Confirmation Notifications will be sent to your email address once your payment is successfully processed.
There will be no refund to the author registrants.

Abstract Submission

Abstracts should be submitted to one of the workshop sessions. Both, registration and submission of abstract, should be made through the conference web site. Registration area

Conference program can have only one presentation per person.
The presenting author should be the corresponding author.

Abstract instructions
One-page (PDF only) abstract (no more than 300 words) should be submitted before January 29th, 2016. The abstract should include: full presentation title, authors' names, affiliations and email addresses, following the workshop template. Maximum file size: 1 MB.

Acknowledgement of receipt
The receipt of the submission will be acknowledged automatically by email.

Making changes
To make any change in the abstract submitted you have to login as the registered participant.
To avoid double registration, please do not create a new record.

Acceptance notification
Acceptance notifications will be made according to this schedule

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
icme2016@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 94 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
Copyright © 2015 CIMNE, All Rights Reserved.