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      Scientific Committee
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  Sandbox Scenarios NEW!
  Important Dates
  Registration & Abstract

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  Technical Programme NEW!

Number of visits: 89804

Scientific Committee
(provisional list)

  • John Agren, Sweden

  • Roger Assaker, Belgium

  • Miguel Cervera, Spain

  • Francisco Chinesta, France

  • Elías Cueto, Spain

  • Pooyan Dadvan, Spain

  • Anders Engstrom, Sweden

  • B.P. Gautham, India

  • Adham Hashibon, Germany

  • Guillaume Houzeaux, Spain

  • Albert Konter, Netherlands

  • Lars-Erik Lindgren, Sweden

  • Javier Llorca, Spain

  • Jörg Neugebauer, Germany

  • Sukeharu Nomoto, Japan

  • Jean-Philippe Ponthot, Belgium

  • Pedro D. Portella, Germany

  • Ulrich Prahl, Germany

  • Jerzy Rojek, Poland

  • Ayman Salem, United States

  • Hendrik Schafstall, Germany

  • Zachary T. Trautt,United States

  • Robertt Valente, Portugal

  • James A. Warren, United States

  • Erich Wimmer, France

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
icme2016@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 94 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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