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      ICME 2016 Scopes
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Number of visits: 89806


Integrated Computational Materials Engineering - ICME - by its nature draws on the combination and the simultaneous or consecutive use of a variety of software tools. By now the major developments in the area of ICME have successfully been driven essentially by academic and industrial users of simulation software. In spite of ICME currently emerging as a new and powerful discipline, coupling of different software tools is still in its infancy and represents a major issue consuming significant effort in terms of time and workforce if a coupling is realized at all. ICMEg – the Integrated Computational Materials Engineering expert group – aims at developing a global open standard for information exchange between the heterogeneous varieties of numerous simulation tools. Once being established, such an open and easily accessible formulation of a global standard will
  • significantly facilitate the exchange of data between different tools

  • create new options and functionalities of the present tools

  • allow for easy integration between commercial and academic approaches and models

  • provide the pathway for life-cycle modeling of components/products

  • allow for global optimisation of process chains instead of individually optimized models

  • stimulate many further new developments

The 1st Workshop on Software Solutions for ICME in 2014 attracted more than 160 participants from 24 countries in 4 continents and for the first time networked people from different modelling communities leading to intense and fruitful discussions. About 40% of the attendees originated from academia. A large number of software vendors was represented either in person or via different contributions. The strong interest of the user industry became obvious by participation of several companies and the workshop clearly emphasized the multiple benefits arising from combining models and tools.

Scope of the 2nd Workshop on Software Solutions for ICME now is on elaborating how to combine different models and tools in practice. This scope can be summarized in one word: Interoperability

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
icme2016@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 94 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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