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Wednesday, July 2nd    10:30 - 12:30
Inverse Problems: Recent Advances in Methodology and Techniques II
Minisymposium organized by Barbara Kaltenbacher and Roland Potthast
Room: CAS1.8
10:30 A Method for Identifying a Spacewise Dependent Heat Source under Stochastic Noise Interference
B. Thomas Johansson and Mihaela Pricop

10:50 Convergence Results for the Bayesian Inversion Theory
Andreas Neubauer and Hanna Katriina Pikkarainen

11:10 Analyzing Quasi-Optimality -- Choosing the Regularization Parameter without Knowing the Noise Level
Frank Bauer, Stefan Kindermann and Markus Reiss

11:30 Correlation Length Controllable Priors in Statistical Inversion
Lassi Roininen

11:50 Adaptive Discretization of Parameter Identification Problemes in PDE’s
Barbara Kaltenbacher, Anke Griebaum and Boris Vexler

12:10 Damage Identification for Bridges based on Multi-type Sensors
Yiqian Li, Masheng Zhou, Zhihai Xiang and Zhangzhi Cen


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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