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Scientific Programme Overview

In accordance with the tradition of previous issues of IACM and ECCOMAS Congresses, in the preparation of the scientific programme the Congress has been opened to the latest developments in all aspects of computational mechanics. Specific actions have been undertaken to broaden the fields of application of the discipline to new computation oriented areas of engineering and sciences. In particular, a bottom up approach has been adopted for the organization of Minisymposia, with a two-stage call for proposal allowing a capillary coverage of well established and new emerging topics. All proposed Minisymposia have undergone a review process helping to reduce overlapping and repetitions to a minimum. Among all the proposed Minisymposia, 32 have been sanctioned by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) through the cooperative agreement between IACM and IUTAM. Minisymposia Organizers have had the merit to attract state-of-the-art contributions in the field of their Minisymposium. In addition to the abstracts submitted to Minisymposia, more than 750 other abstracts have been submitted directly to the Congress Organizing Committee, reaching a total of 3457 abstracts submitted.

All abstracts have been reviewed by at least one referee. All rejected abstracts have been reviewed by at least two, in some cases three, referees. At the end of the review and registration process, 2583 papers have been included in the Scientific Programme.

The Scientific Programme is subdivided in sessions of different types:

  • Plenary Sessions (P), with 10 Plenary Lectures, 2 per day
  • Semi-Plenary Sessions (SP), with 16 Semi-Plenary Lectures, 4 per day
  • 138 MiniSymposia (MS), organized by 358 researchers from all over the world
  • 15 Thematic Sessions (TS), managed directly by the Organizing Committee
  • 14 Special Technology Sessions (STS), in the area of Aeronautics Technologies, supervised by dr. Jacques Periaux and dr. Dietrich Knoerzer

A short guide to the Scientific Programme

The Congress will be opened on Monday, June 30, by the Opening Session. The IACM and ECCOMAS Awards will be presented to the awardees in this session.

Every day, the Scientific Programme includes 1 Plenary Session (2 lectures) and 1 Semi-Plenary Session (with the exception of Monday) (4 parallel lectures).

The scientific contributions are presented in 35 parallel sessions labelled as: MORNING SESSIONS, AFTERNOON SESSIONS and EVENING SESSIONS.

Subsequent sessions are separated by Coffee Breaks (CB) and by the Lunch Break (LB). A Short Break (SB) of 10 min. between Plenary and Semi-Plenary Sessions will give attendants the time to reach the desired lecture room.


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
iacm-eccomas08@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 -- Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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