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Friday, July 4th    10:30 - 12:30
Advances in Finite Element Method I
Room: CAS2.1
10:30 Rheology of Granular Materials with a Discrete Element Method
Serge Dumont, Jérôme Fortin and Youssef Ouafik

10:50 Localized Artificial Viscosity and Diffusivity Scheme for Capturing Discontinuities on Curvilinear and Anisotropic Meshes
Soshi Kawai and Sanjiva K. Lele

11:10 An Energy-Preserving Discrete Element Method for Linear Elasticity In Large Deformation
Christian Mariotti and Laurent Monasse

11:30 A Finite Element Formulation for Wrinkling at Finite Strains based on Energy Minimization
Joern Mosler

11:50 Finite Element Patterns to satisfy the Consistency Condition
Wojciech Gilewski

12:10 Comparison of Mixed and Nodal Based Formulations for Linear Tetrahedral Elements in Elasticity and Plasticity
Ismail Caylak, Gottfried Laschet and Rolf Mahnken


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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