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Thursday, July 3rd    10:30 - 12:30
Image-Based Computational Modelling of Materials III
Minisymposium organized by M.A. Siddiq Qidwai and Andrew B. Geltmacher
Room: CAS3.7
Thermomechanical Modeling and Characterization of the Semi-Solid State of A356 Alloys during Solidification
Gottfried Laschet, Stefan Benke, Ismail Caylak, Lars Pape, Sebastian Dziallach, Rolf Mahnken, Michael Modigell, Ulrich Prahl, Wolfgang Bleck

Thursday, July 3rd    10:30 - 12:30
Computational Fracture Mechanics of Heterogeneous Materials and Structures III
Minisymposium organized by Noriyuki Miyazaki and Toru Ikeda
Room: CAS3.8
Brittle Crack Growth driven by Material Forces
Rolf Mahnken

Friday, July 4th    10:30 - 12:30
Advances in Finite Element Method I
Room: CAS2.1
Comparison of Mixed and Nodal Based Formulations for Linear Tetrahedral Elements in Elasticity and Plasticity
Ismail Caylak, Gottfried Laschet, Rolf Mahnken


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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